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oh I would carry you over fire and water for your love. and I would hold you closer, hope your heart is strong enough. when the night is coming down on you, we will find a way through the dark. -One Direction (through the dark)

 In my dreams – twelve

“Haz, are you up for something adventurous?”

“Oh Lord.”

“It’s a fun thing to do!”


“I thought that maybe we could go for a swim in the lake not too far from here.”

“You’re officially insane”, Harry says.

“It’s romantic!” Louis protests.

“Is it?”

“Well, you should know. You’re the most romantic out of the two of us.”

“Okay, fine”, Harry says. “It is romantic. But haven’t we done enough romantic things in the past few days? Can’t we just take a bath together?”

“We can never do enough romantic things”, Louis huffs. “And we can take that bath after. You’ve taken me on tons of date and now it’s my turn.”

“Okay babe”, Harry gives in and Louis smiles happily.

“Good boy. Now pack your trunks and a towel and let’s go.”

“Baby, it’s eleven at night.”

“That’s the whole idea behind it.” Louis gives him a ‘duh’ look and Harry frowns confused. “You look like a disgruntled little kitty. The idea was that we would be going for a late night swim. Hence why it’s eleven at night and I’m telling you to pack your trunks. Although, we could also go skinny dipping…”

“Oh”, Harry hums and he kisses Louis’ temple. “I’ll be right back with my stuff. No skinny dipping tonight. Should I get your stuff too?”

“Yes please. I’ll pack some food. Ash made some cupcakes yesterday when you were out with Niall.”

“Ashton made cupcakes in my kitchen without informing me?!”

“Hey, look at it from the bright side. He didn’t burn the kitchen down. At least, not the entire kitchen.” Louis whispers the last part.

“Not the entire kitchen?!” Harry bellows.

“Calm down, love. Everything’s fine”, Louis shushes his boyfriend.

“It better be”, he mumbles darkly and he climbs the stairs, hearing Louis giggle behind him. He knows Louis is just saying Ashton burnt down the kitchen to get him all irritated but it’s working. No one harms his beloved kitchen.

“Love, I was just kidding”, Louis says as soon as Harry steps into the kitchen with two large towels and their swimming trunks.

“I know, it’s just not really my type of a joke.”

“Am I forgiven?” Louis pouts and he flutters his eyelashes at Harry.

Harry sighs deeply. “You know I’m not mad at you, right babe? And if I’d be mad at you, I could never stay mad. You’re too cute for that.”

Louis grins, pointy teeth peeking out over his bottom lip. “Thought so.”

“Do you have the food?” Louis holds up a bag filled with sandwiches and cupcakes. “Shall we go then?”

In my dreams - Larry Stylinson [AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora