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❝ let's fade away together, one dream at the time ❞ -Fall Out Boy (where did the party go)

 In my dreams – twenty

Harry manages to get himself dragged out of bed and into the bathroom for a burning hot shower. It’s still difficult, without Louis, but the ache of missing him almost starts to feel familiar. It still hurts, of course, but it’s bearable because he knows Louis will find a way back to him somehow.

He lets his sadness wash down the drain together with his shampoo and the water burns his skin but it’s a welcome distraction. Taking a shower does help calming him down. Until he thinks of something really important and within two minutes, he’s dried off, dressed and in his room calling Ashton.

“Hey H, why are you calling?”

“I need you to come over here as soon as you can. Bring Luke, or not, doesn’t matter. You just need to be fast.”

“H, if your flat is on fire, you’d better call the fire department instead of me”, Ashton says concerned.

“I’m not in danger, just come over here as soon as possible.” And he hangs up. Ashton will possibly scold him for scaring him but that’s a risk he has to take. Because Harry kept him in the dark about what’s wrong, he knows Ashton will be here in under five minutes.

And yes, within five minutes, the doorbell rings and Harry runs to open the door.

“You look fine”, Ashton concludes after a thorough examination of Harry’s face and body. Luke is standing behind him with an equally concerned face.

“I am fine, it’s just that I thought of something really important. Did I tell you about the magical girl?”

Ashton stares at him like he’s mad and pushes past him into Harry’s flat. “No, you did not. Did you take drugs again?  You seem high.”

“I don’t do drugs”, Harry says calmly, following Ashton and Luke into the living room.

“Then why did you make us come over here?” Ashton sounds a little mad, and to be honest, Harry can’t blame him. Luke still hasn’t said anything but the concern slowly slips off his face and has been replaced by something that resembles annoyance.

“Take a seat. Do you want tea?” Harry knows he’s pushing Ashton’s boundaries now but he has to get him in a good mood because he needs his best friend’s help.

“No, I don’t want tea”, Ashton says shortly. They do sit down though.

“Luke, would you like some tea?”

“No, thank you.”

“Okay, so a few weeks ago, Louis and I met this girl near the park. She was wearing a summer dress mid-winter and we were a little concerned for her health so we asked why she wasn’t wearing a coat and gloves and a hat and she said the cold didn’t bother her and-”

“Harry, breathe”, Ashton says. He looks like he’s about to either slap him around the head or burst out laughing. His current facial expression seems stuck between laughter and annoyance.

Harry takes a breath and continues. “-then she changed her clothes in a cloud of sparkles and glitters and told us her name was Florgi. She said that what Louis and I have is real magic. Then she continued to tell us that something was the bridge between all universes and that I had to keep writing at all costs.”

“What do you mean, something was the bridge between all universes?” Ashton asks.

“We didn’t hear because a lorry passed by and she was gone before we could ask. But this morning in the shower, I figured it out. I think she meant true love is the bridge between all universes. I just haven’t figured out yet why I had to keep writing at all costs and why Louis keeps disappearing. That’s why I called you over.”

“Are you sure you didn’t make this up in your story?” Ashton asks hesitantly. He hates doubting Harry but what he’s saying doesn’t sound very plausible.

“Positive”, Harry nods. “I didn’t make this up. You could have asked Louis but he’s disappeared again.”

Ashton cracks a smile. “You’re an idiot. I’ll help you think of possibilities.” But it doesn’t matter how many things they think of, none of them seem to fit with the rest of the story.

Until Luke speaks up. “So you’re saying you think she meant true love is the bridge between all universes? And she told you to keep writing at all costs? And Louis keeps disappearing?” And when Harry nods, he shoots him a very satisfied smile. “I’ve figured it out.”

“Seriously?” Harry asks, scooting over closer to Luke.

“At least, I think so”, Luke shrugs. “Do you write when Louis is here, in our world, so to say?”

Harry shakes his head. “I don’t. I want to spend all my time with Louis before he’s gone again.”

“And do you write when he’s gone?”

“Yes, I need to pass time somehow.”

“There you have it. Louis only stays here when you write about him and he goes when you’re out of stories. That’s why you have to keep writing.”

Harry and Ashton are silent for a moment. Then Ashton speaks up. “You might be right. That does make sense. But it’s also potentially problematic.”

“Potentially problematic? I didn’t exactly plan to keep writing about Louis forever. At least, not as long as he’s with me”, Harry says.

“H, if it ensures he stays with you here, in this world, then wouldn’t it be worth it?”

Harry doesn’t reply. Would it be worth it? Would having Louis with him forever make up for a lifetime filled with writing? And then he smacks himself because hell yes, of course it would be worth it. He’d get to keep Louis with him.

“Why did you just randomly smack yourself?” Ashton asks.

“What if it doesn’t work?” Harry mumbles. “What if he doesn’t stay with me? I need to start writing so I can get him back and ask him to help me find a solution.” And he tries to get up but Ashton pulls him back down and he flops onto the couch.

“You’re not going anywhere. You’re gonna spend the day with me and Luke and we can also call Niall and Lilly over. We’ll make sure you’re home before seven o’clock so you’ve got the evening to write. And you’ve got no say in the matter”, Ashton adds before Harry can say anything.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Shopping probably”, Ashton shrugs.

“Isn’t that very stereotypical of you”, Harry snorts despite himself. “Three gay guys shopping with a girl and her boyfriend.” Naturally, Ashton smacks him.

“Shut up and put on your shoes. Luke, love, please remind me we have to buy Harry new shoes?”

“For the last time, there’s nothing wrong with my boots!” Harry protests loudly, looking down at his feet. Ashton huffs audibly. “What?”

Ashton just shakes his head. “Let’s go, you idiot.”

“What’s wrong with my boots?”

“Shut up and walk, Harry.”

Tonight. Tonight he’d be able to write, to try and get Louis back. He’ll just have to endure Ashton and Luke’s fussing over him for a few more hours and then he’ll be able to write.

He misses Louis more than he cares to admit.

[late happy twentieth birthday, Harry, my sunshine, and may you have many more. thank you for everything, I love you ♡ I know this is short and it sucks but it's the best I could do, given the circumstances.

18 comments before I post the next part. Love you guys! xx]

In my dreams - Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now