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❝ don't be afraid of being different - be afraid of being the same as everyone else.-Unknown. 

 In my dreams – eleven

“Lou, do you wanna do something fun today?” Harry whispers, assuming his boyfriend’s awake when Louis rolls over and paws at his chest while smacking his lips.

“Sleep’s fun”, he mumbles, burying his face in Harry’s neck.

Harry laughs quietly into Louis’ hair. “Something that’s more fun than sleeping. You up for it?”

“Does it involve you naked?”

“I’m afraid not”, Harry giggles. “But that can be arranged after. D’you wanna know?”

“Shoot”, Louis says in a sleepy, gravelly voice.

“Let’s visit the zoo.”

“The zoo?” Louis groans. “Really, Haz? The zoo?”

“The zoo is lovely!” Harry protests. “The animals are really cute.”

“One word: lions. Lions are bloody terrifying.”

“Lions are such majestic creatures”, Harry muses.

“Harry, stop. It’s too early to use big words.”

"It is always a time to use big words. Not my fault you're grumpy in the morning", Harry says and Louis swats his arm.

"I don't like you."

"That explains why you're my boyfriend. Makes sense", Harry says sarcastically.

"Shove it, Styles. You know I love you."

"I love you too."

"You know, I just started thinking you only annoy me to hear me say that I love you", Louis says.

"I might", Harry mumbles with a light blush on his face and Louis looks up at him fondly.

"You're cute."

"Stop saying that I'm cute or else there will be no pancakes for you."

"You didn't tell me there would be pancakes."

"There will be pancakes. Better?"

Louis sighs audibly but it's mostly just very fond. Harry's noticed that a lot of the things that Louis does express a certain amount of fondness. "Yes, baby, much better. Shall I take Amber for a walk while you make us breakfast?"

"I hoped we could walk Amber together and have breakfast, then shower together."

Louis laughs. "You know just as well as I do that if we go together, we won't be getting to the zoo anytime soon."

"Rain check on the shower?"

"I'll run you a bath tonight. You know I end up joining you anyway. Can't resist you when you're all wet and naked."

"Cute", Harry remarks. "Let's get started then." He manages to drag himself out of their shared bed but when he turns around, he sees Louis still in bed and staring (very obviously, Harry must say) at his boyfriend's arse. He doesn't look like he's going to move anytime soon.

"Don't mind me, just admiring the view", Louis says. "Please do keep going."

Harry snorts and puts on a pair of black boxers. "I'm afraid we don't have time for that. Come on, get up. You need to walk Amber."

In my dreams - Larry Stylinson [AU]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz