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❝ dream your dreams with your eyes closed, but live your dreams with your eyes open. ❞ -Unknown

 In my dreams – eight

“How did your date go?” Harry asks when he opens the door for Ashton.

“Great”, the Australian boy answers and he steps inside. “Hi Lou.”

“I’m waiting for details”, Louis demands as soon as he spots Ashton.

“Well, you can wait a long time because you ain’t getting any”, Ashton yawns. “Anyone want tea?”

“Late night?” Louis wiggles his eyebrows but the younger boy ignores him.

“There’s none left, Louis drank the last this morning”, Harry tells Ashton and he pouts.

“I’ll go out and buy some”, he offers.

“And visit Lukey on the way there”, Louis sing-songs. Ashton’s really, really trying not to let it get to him but he’s getting close.

“That’s sweet of you, Ash, but Lou’s family is coming over later so we have to buy groceries anyway.”

Louis’ teasing smile from before is frozen on his face. “My family is coming over?”

“Yes?” Harry looks confused and Ashton suppresses a snicker. “I thought I told you. Your Mum called when you were still asleep and announced she was coming over today with the girls to see if I was treating you well.” Now Ashton can’t suppress his laughing anymore and he doubles over with joy.

“Shut up, Ashton”, Louis hisses but there’s no real threat behind it. “And no, you didn’t tell me. Must have slipped your mind.” He doesn’t sound all too happy about his Mum checking up on him but he’s not entirely mad so Harry guesses he’s happy to see his sisters again.

“It must have”, Harry agrees. “Sorry.”

“Oh my God”, Louis says after a minute and he slaps himself on the forehead. “I need to clean.”

Harry is torn between choking on his own tongue, laughing or raising his eyebrows. Ashton has no trouble choosing – he does all three. “You and cleaning?” he snorts when he’s managed to stop laughing long enough.

“Me and cleaning, yes”, Louis says sharply but he can understand why Ashton finds it so amusing. He’s not exactly the ‘clean’ type of person. And ‘not exactly’ is an understatement here.

“Why?” Ashton snickers.

“Because my Mum will murder me and Harry both if it’s a mess in this house.”

“Only the kitchen might be a bit messy”, Harry says but he finds it sort of adorable Louis is so worried about impressing his Mum.

“Can you go get the groceries with Ashton while I clean the kitchen?” Louis asks his boyfriend with pleading eyes.

“Of course, love. It’ll take a while, yeah? I’ve got to make a list first”, Harry says.

“That’s okay. Thanks babe.”

“When exactly did I get involved in helping the two of you to get ready for visitors?”

“Since a few minutes ago. Don’t complain, Irwin, you’re my best friend and you’ll be helping us.” Harry grabs a pen from the table and sits down on the couch. “What do we need?”

“I think you know best what you need, mate.” Ashton sits down next to him and he hears Louis moving around in the kitchen, occasionally dropping something and muttering curse words. Harry makes a list quickly and puts on his old boots.

In my dreams - Larry Stylinson [AU]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat