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Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real? ❞ - Albus Dumbledore.

 In my dreams - four

When Harry wakes up, he hears snoring. Which is… kind of strange, because when he’s awake he can’t hear himself snore?

Second strange thing – there’s a heavy weight on his chest and since he doesn’t have a dog (not that a dog would be this heavy) and he doesn’t remember Ashton or Niall falling asleep in his bed last night, that could only mean one thing: he’s being robbed and someone’s holding him down.

He bloody knew he shouldn’t have gone out yesterday.

Wait. If he was being robbed and someone was holding him down, that person wouldn’t be snoring. Snoring is generally a sign that the person is asleep. He doesn’t realize he’s been holding his breath until he opens his eyes and sees a head with brown hair on his chest and breathes out in relief.

It’s just Ashton. Except, Ashton doesn’t have straight hair – his is slightly curly. Ashton also doesn’t have ridiculously long eyelashes and he has no freckles either. This person does.

And then it hits him and he’s so floored by his train of thoughts, all oxygen whooshes out of him. It’s bloody impossible, he thinks. No way.

But then there’s soft barking just outside the door of his bedroom and he knows he’s right.

For some reason, Louis has come to life and is now sleeping peacefully on Harry’s chest.

And the panic starts seeping in. He must be going mad. He gently pushes Louis off his chest and replaces his body with a massive pillow – Louis curls into it immediately.

He pads out the bedroom while repeatedly smacking himself on the head in the hope of waking himself up. It’s no use – nothing changes.

Harry stumbles into the kitchen and he looks for his phone which is nowhere to be found. The tiny dog looks up at him and barks expectantly and Harry feels like he’s about to go into cardiac arrest. And then he locates his phone and he’s frantically dialling Ashton’s number.

“Mate, it’s six in the bloody morning”, Ashton’s morning voice groans.

“Ashton”, Harry squeaks and there’s a short silence.

“H, are you okay? Do I need to call the police?”

“No, no”, Harry whispers, “It’s just- Look, this is gonna sound absolutely insane. I woke up about five minutes ago and there was someone sleeping in my bed. It’s him, Ashton and I don’t know how or why!”

“Who’s him, H?”

“Louis”, Harry whispers. There’s a longer silence this time.

“Haz, he’s fictional.”

“I know, but I swear I’m not messing with you!” Amber barks and Harry takes a very deep breath.

“Since when do you have a dog?” Ashton sounds like he thinks Harry’s playing a very big, very bad prank on him.

“That’s the point, Ashton”, Harry hisses. “I don’t have a dog. She’s the dog I made up in my stories with Louis.”

“Shit, H, are you serious?”

“For God’s sake! Yes! Do something!”

“What am I supposed to do? You know him best, you created him!”

“You’re right”, Harry breathes. “I know him best. I created him. Ash, I need you to call Niall and get your ass over here as soon as humanly possible.”

In my dreams - Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now