Will I Get My Revenge?

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I ran out of the house with my mask in hand. I use it so my identity stays unknown to the public. I leaped from roof to roof, travelling fast. I got to the scene of the crime. There, in the middle of a junction, was a car crash. And one of the cars belonged to Max!

I jumped down. I didn't have my mask on just yet. I hid it behind my back. I walked forwards until a guard stopped me. 

"Sorry, Miss, but no one's allowed pass this line." the police man said. So I nodded and turned away. I went to an alleyway, quickly put my mask on and jumped up to the roof. I made it look as though I came from the west.

"Hey! You!" I heard police men shout at me. I ignored. I tore off the battered car door and helped Max out. He had a cut along his arm which didn't look as if it came from the accident. He's breathing came out in ragged breathes but he was breathing. I placed him down carefully on the ground.

And ambulance had arrived and the medical team had a look at Max. I then went to the other car to help the driver but much to my surprise, there was no one there. No sign of anyone getting injured or anything. Just the car.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and a police woman beckoned me aside. I went back to Max as the police investigated the two cars. I called someone using my own phone. 

three minutes later, a group of medics from the organisation I am in came along. They took over from the normal medics as Max was different from humans.

'Max has regeneration powers yet he isn't regenerating... ' I had cast a worried glance towards him. I then decided to text Aidan about my thoughts on the subject. One thing I knew for sure, whoever or whatever caused this, knew Max had powers. And I was going to find out who and get my revenge.

Now, I'm not the kind of one who likes revenge and killing and all. But when bad guys threaten to hurt my friends or family, I will hunt them down and I will get my revenge, even if it costs me my life.

I got into the helicopter. I sat down keeping an eye on Max. His breathing was evening out thanks to so injections he was given.

"He'll be ok, Alecxis." a doctor reassured me. I knew him from when I was younger. He was my family's doctor meaning if we needed check-ups or things like that to suppress our powers, we went to him. He also was the doctor for Max's family.


It was about a week later after the accident and Max was supposed to come in next week. I was walking to my English class when I bumped into someone. 

"Sorry." I looked at the girl. I didn't know her and there was two other girls behind her who I didn't recognize. Eh, are you three new?" I wasn't sure if that was the right thing to say but oh well.

"Yes. I'm Moeka. And these are my friends, Summer and Ash." Moeka pointed as she said their names.

"Oh. Well, nice to meet you. I'd better be going." I slipped past them. I was already five minutes late.


I went to the Hospital for Magic Users. {Not a great name, but oh well.}

"Hello. I'm here to see Max Lightning." I told the receptionist.

"Yes. You may go and see him. His room is the third room down the left." she smiled as she pointed in the right direction.

"Thanks!" I called as I hurried down the corridor. I had visited Max everyday but yesterday he was moved.

I stepped inside of the room. It was spacious and Max was the only one there. There was no other beds or anything. 

Max was sitting up, reading. As soon as he saw me, he put the book down.

"Hi, Alecxis." 

"Hi Max. How are you doing?" I asked him.

"Good. You?" 

"I'm good. Eh, here. Your mom wanted me to give you this." I gave Max a package. "She couldn't make it today and neither of your parents can take the twins tomorrow, so I offered to bring them." I told him.

"Great. Thanks a lot Alecxis." he grinned.

"It's nothing. Anyway, I did some searching and I think I know what happened." I said.

"But it was just a car crash.." Max's voice trailed off.

"No. It wasn't. you were targeted. The other car, there was no one in the driver's seat. I had a look myself. I tried using my magic to uncover what had happened but it showed me nothing. I'm thinking that someone, a magic user, was involved. There's no other explanation. Only magic can cover up the past of something, no humans." I explained. Max thought about this for a few minutes.

"I guess. But who would want me dead? Or badly injured? What's the point in that?" he thought some more.

"I don't know but I told Aidan. He's going to contact the government." I checked the time. "Max, I'd better go. I'll be back tomorrow with the twins." I lightly kissed him on the cheek and headed out the door.


When I got in, I was greeted by Kyle and Kyra's shouts. I picked up Kyra and kissed her. Kyle made a disgusted face but I got a hug anyway. As I locked the door behind me, with Kyra in my arms, I heard someone behind me.

"Hey Alecxis. You're back!" I recognized the voice instantly.

"Jack!" I gently let Kyra down and she and Kyle ran off. I hugged my older brother. 

"Long time no see." he said.

"Yeah. Wait, if you're back that means James is back too. Where is he?" I asked.

"He's inside the kitchen with Aidan." he replied, beckoning me to follow him.

I entered the room. 

"Hi James!" I was happy that my two older brothers were back.

"Hi Alecxis." James was typing on a Holotome, from Huntik.

"What goes on?" I asked.

"Nothing much but," James felt around in his pocket them pulled something small out. "Here's another shard of the gem in your locket." he held it out to me.

"You got another one?!" I took it from James' hands and opened my locket. I took out the more than half way built gem. It was blue and red. It was styled like a Ying and Yang symbol. Well, as much as it can look like it as it still only halfway built. I place the new shard and the rest of it near each other. A bright rainbow light glowed from the two and they floated up, stopping midair. They then stuck together and spun around. The new fuller shard fell into my outstretched hands. I placed it back into the safety of my locket and closed it.

"Thank you so much you guys!" I hugged both Jack and James then Aidan, Kyle and Kyra so they don't feel left out. I was about seven more shards away from completing my gem. 

"You haven't told Max yet, have you?" Jack asked out of the blue.

"No. You bother forbade me from telling anyone." I answered.

"Good. Also, Aidan told us about what happened to him. Max is ok, isn't he?" James questioned.

"Yeah. He's recovering and should be back in school next week. Talking about school, there are three new students. I met them on my way to my English class." I explained.

"Oh? What were their names?" this time, it was Aidan asking the question.

"Their names were... Eh, let me think." I stood there thinking for about a minute or two when I remembered. "Their names are Moeka, Summer and Ash. I hope I got that right." I added.

"Alright." James said.

I'd tell you what will happen once the gem is 
completed, BUT I'll leave it up to you to guess what happens. Tell me what you think will happen in the comments. I might take your idea. And I might now. Who knows with me?

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