Happy Birthday

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It was about five days since we got rid of the X Race. And it was also the day of my birthday, the first of December.

"Happy birthday Alecxis!" Max gave me a bear hug and about ten kisses.

"Thanks Max." I smiled. "Today, I'm the same age as you." I declared.

"Ah. Yes you are." Max agreed.

We were walking down for breakfast. Everyone knows I'm not a huge fan of parties so usually, I just have a small party with my family and close friends.

I opened the kitchen door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALECXIS!" my family and Max's shouted as we walked in.

I saw a HUGE cake. Not just any ale but a gigantic cheesecake! {Lol. Couldn't resist.}

"Aw thanks guys!" I gave everyone a quick hug. "Now... What to eat.. Cake or breakfast?"

"Why not both?" Max and Aidan asked in unison.

James, who was now awake, thank god, glared at the two of them.

"What? It's Alecxis' birthday and you know she can eat a lot more than that." Aidan shrugged.

"No. One or the other." James said sternly.

I stopped licking my lips.

"Aw. C'min James. Please?" I asked.


I did a sad face then got over it.

"Fine. I'll have the party food." I chose.

Max high fived me.


"Yummy cheesecake." I stated. "Who made it?"

"We did." Ash, Moeka and Summer came through the door.

I didn't question that answer.

"Great cake guys." I said, rubbing my stomach.

"No problem" Moeka grinned from ear to ear.

"Come on Alecxis. I have something for you." Max grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room.

I didn't struggle at all, which is something I usually do.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Max broke into a run, making me stumble behind him until I got my balance again.

Max opened our bedroom door and let me in. He picked up something from the desk.

"Here." he handed it to me. "Open it."

I did. Inside, was a beautiful photo album. It was big but a custom made one.

"Did you make this yourself?" I asked, turing the pages.

"Well.. I got a blank DIY photo album so yes. Do you like it?"

"I don't like it. I love it!" I carefully put it down and jumped onto Max, making him fall into the bed. "Thank you so much Max! I love it."

"I'm glad." We sat there for a minute then I got up.

"I'm going to look through the rest of the photos, ok? You wanna look through them with me?"

"Of course I will." Max replied, sitting me back down and getting the album.

We looked through it. Inside the photos date back to when we were kids.

"The cool thing is it's a magic album so it expands when we want to put more pictures in but it doesn't physically grow." Max explained.

"I love it Max and I love you." I kissed him on the lips.


We went back downstairs and I showed the album to the others. Ash, Summer and Moeka wanted to see but I wasn't sure if I should show them it. For personal reasons.

"Let them. Their not a threat anymore" Jack told me.

So I, reluctantly, let them see the photos.

The day was great. When it was dinner time, everyone joined in.

Starting with my family, Max's family, the leader, Ash, Summer and Moeka. Later, others joined and left.

Soon enough, everyone in the whole of the H.Q. compound had been at the party for at least five minutes.


"How was you're sixteenth birthday?" Max asked as I fell onto the bed next to him.

"It was brilliant. Thank you." both myself and Max were in out pajamas as it was nearly three in the morning.



"What do you think life will be like in four years time?" Max sat up.


"I don't know. I'm just.. Curious. That's all." he answered.

"Well in that case, I think that not much will have changed. I mean, except for ages and that stuff but we'd be just about the same. What about you?" I asked.

"I don't know I was just thinking that maybe by then..." He trailed off and looked away from me.

"Max, turn around." Max turned around. "What were you going to say?"

"It- it doesn't matter."

"Max, please."

"Ok. Don't laugh at me. I was going to say that by then I'd hope to have at least... You know?"

"No. I don't know."

"That we would have started a family. I mean our own family." Max looked away, clearly regretting that he said that.

I used my hands to get Max to look me in the eye.

"You know what?"


"We might just do that." I said.

Max's expression changed from a 'I shouldn't have said anything' face to a 'Yes!' face.

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