Starting Over Again?!?

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"WHAT?!?" I asked, well shouted when I heard what was happening.

"Calm down Alecxis." Aidan said. "I'm not happy about it either but you don't hear me screaming in James' face." this made me shut up.

"Sorry..." I muttered.

"It's fine. But you're starting again and that's all that's to it." James told me firmly.

I stuck out my tongue but instantly regretted it.

"I don't want to start over again. Anyway, you said we'd be home-schooled. I don't wanna attend Magic Academy full time! Not the Main one anyway." I crossed my arms. I am stubborn.

"Alecxis, it's not that bad." Max tried to help but I wasn't having it. 

"Last time I was there full time at the main school, one of the gangs kept picking on me because of my position." I complained.

"Just ignore them." Jack said.

"I did! But because we all have magic there, they just kept putting spells on me. Yes, I could undo them but it got annoying. That's why I dropped out entirely except for the Night Classes." I explained.

"Aidan?" James looked to Aidan to confirm this.

Aidan shrugged. "I dunno. I'm two years above Alecxis."

"Please Alecxis. I won't let them near you." Max tried again.

I was considering but if I said yes because of Max, James would get Max to make me agree to EVERYTHING!

"No. I stand my ground. I'll go to the Night Classes. But during the day? Nope." 

"What if we got rid of these guys?" James suggested.

"No. There's always a group who want to pick on someone. Anyway, it's not just me." I explained to them what was happening, well, what happened in the school when I was there.

James sighed. "I'll contact the School Master."

I had agreed when James said I wouldn't have to put up with the gangs. The people who bullied me before will be switched to another Magic Academy in their own world. And so will all the other gangs who dare hurt me or anyone else.


"Why are you so stubborn?" Max asked as we sat on the bed.

"I'm not. I'm just stating facts. You weren't in my classes so you didn't know what happened to me." I argued.

"But why didn't you tell me or someone back then?"

"Because I could put up with it. When I was about to snap, you and I were moved to the human school so I was ok. I can definitely put up with human bullies."

"Ok. If you say so."

"I'm sorry. I was going to say 'Ok' when you said that but I realized that James would get you to make me say yes to EVERYTHING that was needed to be done. I couldn't have that though a part of me, a huge part of me, wanted to say yes." I told Max. I was over blushing but I felt my cheeks slightly heat up.

Max moved a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"It's ok. At least we'll be in the same classes all the time." Max grinned. "You know what that means, don't you?"

"I sure do."

"MORE CHALLENGES!!" we shouted in unison. We fell onto the bed, laughing.

"I'm gunna beat you twenty four seven." I said confidently.

"Oh? We'll see about that!" Max told me.

"Fine. But know this, Max Lightning, I'm giving it my all, and once the first term is over, you'll owe me the best prize ever!" I tried to keep a straight face but that was hard.

"Why don't I just give you a 'prize' now?"

"What do you mean? I haven't won anything." I had a confused looked on my face.

"Yes you did. You won my heart." Max leaned forward and kissed me. Again. {Maybe a bit lovey dovey but, oh well. That's me!}

Then I felt something tickle me. I realized that Max was the one tickling me. I burst out laughing.

"MAX! STOP!" I pushed his arms away in attempt of getting away.

"Oh no you don't!" Max tackled me. 


"Get off of me!" I cried, laughing.

I fought to get him off of me. 

"That's it!" I turned into a small bird and got away. As I got to the door, I transformed back to a human.

"HEY! CHEATER!" Max shouted, as we raced around the room, which was big.

"No rules!" I shouted back, ducking low as Max tried to catch me. 

We basically played Cat and Mouse. We stayed up till at least midnight but we got tired and fell on the bed out of exhaustion. 

"I win." I concluded.


"Because you didn't catch me in time." I said.

"But I caught you like a hundred times!" Max argued.

"Yeah but you didn't catch me when we finished the game." I smirked. I had gotten the better of Max.

"No fair." Max was acting like a child.

"Whatever. I'm going to sleep." I told him, getting under the covers. Max joined me. "Night." 



The next day wasn't the best day ever. James and Max's mom, Julia, made us get our books and stuff for the following day. Aidan too.

James and Jack were actually not too old for the academy, but they chose not to go. I had complained about this but didn't get far in doing so.

Jack got Kyle and Kyra's stuff for the daycare and preschool at the academy.

Magic Academy serves as a daycare, preschool, primary school, secondary school and collage. So, there is a hell of a lot of people who attend. And this Magic Academy is only the main school. In each dimension, each parallel dimension, each Earth and each world that have some kind of magic within them, there's a Magic Academy to teach magic users how to use their magic.

Me, Max and Aidan got all our stuff together, curtsy of headquarters. We had no uniform, thank god. I asked could I use my pocket dimensions for books and stuff. James said yes but get a school bag anyway, to cover it up. 

We got all our books, which was like three books each. The books were like guild lines and that kind of thing. Not actual text books and stuff.

I got two Magic Power Enhancers/Reducers. They took the form a bracelet and a necklace. The necklace was invisible as I still wanted to wear my amulet and the two clashed, not that I care but anyway, the necklace and bracelet connect with each other.

"You ready?" Max asked.

"Yeah, I guess." I still was unsure but I carried on. "Aidan?"

"Yep. I'm ready."

Together, we walked through the portal door that lead us to Magic Academy's front door.

The Night Classes idea comes from Vampire Knight and the School Master comes from The School For Good And Evil.

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