Nightmare Magic

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Max brought me to the doctor's room, after struggling to find it. I was still shaking a bit but I had gotten over the initial shock.

"What happened?" the doctor asked.

"I don't know. Alecxis and I were asleep but then I heard Alecxis screaming. She had woken up from a nightmare. And I don't think it was a normal nightmare. Look,"Max gently held up my arm for the doctor to see. "This wasn't there before."

I was checked and asked a few questions. My older brothers were contacted and they came straight to us.

I explained once they got there. I told them what I saw and what happened.

"A nightmare that transfers harm from the dream world to the real world..." James' voice trailed off.

"Are you ok?" Aidan asked.

"Yes." I answered. Thoughts were racing through my mind.

What's happening to me?
What's going on?
Are the others safe?
Is this connected to Summer and her past?
Do Summer, Moeka or Ash possess this kind of magic?
Is this the work of some bad guy?
Why did I see the Creepypastas and the bad guys?

After some tests, the doctor told me I had to stay with someone during the night as whatever this was, shouldn't affect me while I'm awake. So basically, at night there's a good chance of me having this kind of nightmares.

"I'll stay with her." Max volunteered.

"No. I think that-" James began.

"I want Max to stay with me." I said.

"But the two of you don't know what is going on." James protested. No idea why.

"Neither do you." I told him. Normally, I just go along with whatever's happening. But this time, no. I want Max to stay with me.

"Just let her, James." Jack spoke to James.

"Fine. But you two will move into another room." James said. Why he was so against this was beyond me.

"Why?" I asked, standing up. I was over the scare. I felt better too.

James refused to answer. I sighed and shook my head. 

Sometimes, I never understand what goes on in my brothers' heads. This went for Aidan, Jack and James. 


Me and Max were in a new room. It was closer to the Check-up rooms and all of that. I had just gotten my results of the tests. One from the blood tests that I had taken a few days ago, and then the test results from just now.

"What do they think it is?" Max asked, looking over my shoulder.

"Well, they think someone's using a type of Nightmare Magic. But there's no records of such a magic that gives you cuts in the dream world as well as real life." I told him.

"It could be one of the ancient magic spell or something." 

"Maybe. I'm gunna find out tomorrow." I said.

"What?! You know you're not allowed leave H.Q. until we've figured this out!" Max exclaimed. I put my hand over his mouth. 

"Shh. I'm still gunna be here. As well as the next day. Tomorrow I'm going to look through records of types of Dream Magic and Nightmare Magic. Then on Friday, I'm going to use a cloning spell so I can sneak off. You won't tell anyone my plans, will you? Or will I have to erase your memory?" I asked.

"I promise but what are you hoping to achieve from doing this?" 

"Information." was all I said. 

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