Found It!

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I read through the papers I had found. It  was an old record of a race of shapeshifters called the X Race. Why it was named that, I had no idea.

The description matched that of the shapeshifters we had come across.

"Bingo!" I shouted. I looked over my shoulder. "Oops..."

"Alecxis?... What's up?" Max sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry. You can go back to sleep." I said.

"What you doing?" He asked, seeing that I was at the desk with my holotome and holographic computer up and running.

"Some research. Get some more sleep. I'll tell you if I find anything." I told him.

"Nah. I'm fine. What time is it?"

I sighed.

"It's nearly half two at night."

"Oh ok." Max got out of bed entirely. He came over to me. "What have you found?"

"Some information about the X Race." I replied, handing him the few papers.

"The X Race?"

"The race of shapeshifters. They fit the description. You know, when knocked down changes between forms, uses powers or intelligence of the form taken, can take the form of anyone they capture." I explained.

"But that means..."

"I know. But they are alive Max. I can sense it. Literally." I told Max, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah." Max read the papers, his eyes becoming very big as he read on. "This is the jackpot! This is the info we need to take down these beasts!" Max cried out happily.

"Don't get your hopes up. There's nothing on the papers that say how to defeat them and find where they have taken their captives." I said grimly.

Max facial expression changed from a happy grin to dark and gloomy.

"Aww, c'mon! We can figure that but out ourselves." I told him.

"I guess..."

"I'll do some more research on the shapeshifters as I know now what race they are." I was determined to find out how to kill these creatures once and for all.

Max nodded and got out his own holographic computer.

"I'll help." and with that, we did our research.

I typed up 'X Race known shapeshifters' and got a few results.

The X Race are known as a very dangerous race of shapeshifters. Normally, the shapeshifters are neutral unless provoked, whereas the X Race are dangerous no matter what.

From observing these shapeshifters, we have found out that the X Race are ruthless and merciless.

We have found one way and only one way to kill these creatures. We found where they keep their captives and once that happened, we destroyed them from the inside out.

First, you must find the 'hive' and destroy it.
Second, you must

It stopped there. Nothing more.

"What?!? That can be it!!" I shouted.

"What is it Alecxis?" Max leaned over towards me.

"I found the answer but look!"

Max had a look and read through the article.

"That isn't good."

"I know. That's why I'm so frustrated!" I yelled.

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