Rescue Mission

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It was about a week and a half since I came back from H.Q. We were going back today to get Tyler and the others out. Of course, it was only going to be myself and Max as the real raid will be in another week.

"Are you ready to go Alecxis?" Max asked impatiently.

"Yeah yeah! Hold your horses." I replied, hurriedly buckling my belt. It held two scabbards with a katana in each. Right now, both the scabbards and the katanas had a shrink spell on them so they don't take up much room.

Max was ready about ten minutes ago but I had to place a few spells on my things.

"Alright. Both of you. Hold hands." the principle was helping us get back in and out safely with the eight others.

We held hands and braced for the spell to teleport us away. I had placed a spell of shadows on us so we can move in the shadows.

I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. Suddenly, Everything went bright white then rainbow. When I opened my eyes, myself and Max were back in our old room in H.Q. 

"Let's get going." I whispered, slipping into the shadows with Max right behind me.

We made our way to the hidden room. I came out from the shadows and phased through the wall.

"Hello? Tyler? I'm back with help." I whispered loudly. I couldn't be too loud but I had to let them know I was here.

"Alecxis! Over here!" I heard Tyler's voice. I followed it and found the eight of them ducking low.

"What's up?" I asked, smiling. I knew they were themselves. I've become very cautious about who I talk to and I make sure they're real. I mean, that they are not a part of the X Race. "Are you ready to leave?"

"Yes. Thank you." Tyler spoke up as the rest put their small backpacks on.

"Hurry up Alecxis!" Max hissed from outside.

"Ok. Let's hurry." I said.

After a bit of hassle, Max came in. I placed a bigger shadow spell on us.

"We have to get to the rendezvous point." I told them as Max led the way.

"Thank you." Lily whispered to me.

"For what?" Lily was about ten. I knew her family. Vaguely.

"For saving us." she answered.

I nodded.

We crawled along the wall and made it to the safe zone. As everyone went through the portal, a shapeshifter just had to walk by. I saw it in time and sliced away at it using my katana, which was now normal size. I didn't stop until bits of it was splattered on the walls. 

I picked up a piece that had landed on my cheek.

"Gross." I muttered as Max signaled to me. 

Max jumped through and I followed after. I quickly closed the portal gate and destroyed it, not taking any risks that the X Race may pick up on the magic that surrounded a portal.

When I landed, Max was already gone and the others were celebrating their freedom. 

Tyler thanked me for helping them escape. I could see that he was blushing slightly. I sighed mentally.

I can see why Max was angry at me..

I said goodbye and left the eight new students to their partying.

*Knock knock knock*

"Who is it?"  Max called out.

"It's me. Can I come in?" I asked.

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