New Home

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We finally arrived at our new home. It was huge. Like our old house but a bit bigger. Apparently, the estate we will be living on has mansions houses all along the way.

The great thing about this was that Max's family were relocated to the house right next to ours. I was really happy about that. 

I went into the house. It had a big kitchen, a living room, a play room, a big bathroom, a boiler room/storage room and upstairs, 6 bedrooms, a bathroom and a huge yard out back.

"Man, this place is huge!" I cried as I left my blue suitcase in the living room. "I'm going upstairs!"

I found a reasonably big sized room. I claimed it as my own. I fell onto the king sized bed and lay still for a moment. Thoughts flew through my head.

"Alecxis? Come down and help!" I heard James shout at me. I sighed.

So much for relaxing. Oh well.

I headed downstairs. I helped bring in all the suitcases, which wasn't much. We all had a medium case each and Kyle and Kyra has a small one each.

After I hauled the last case into the house, I saw James talking to one of the guards who brought us all here. The guard handed James a few envelopes, said goodbye and went to Max's house, probably to give them a few envelopes too. I reasoned that the seven envelopes contained money for us to get started. How much in each, I didn't know but I was going to find out.

"Hi James! What are those?" I asked, pointing to the white envelopes.

"Envelopes. They have some money in them to help us get started. Until myself and Jack get a decent job." he answered as we walked into the kitchen.

"How much?" I asked eagerly. 

"That is for me to know and for you to find out. Here." He handed my one that had my name written on it.

"Thanks." I ran upstairs without hearing what James had to say. I had my case already up in my room thanks to telekinesis. I carefully opened the envelope and reached into it. I pulled out a wad of cash. Two in fact. One contained ten hundred notes and the other contained some fives, tens, twenties and fifties. I counted it all up. In total, I had one thousand, five hundred and fifty. And that's just mine. If each had the same amount, we'd have, in total, nine thousand and three hundred. And there was a seventh envelope!

Wow. Mind. Blown. And this was just are starting cash.

Both James and Jack get paid weekly by the H.Q. for doing jobs and missions in other worlds. I knew that Aidan also got some money for helping around at headquarters. I'm not being paid yet because I'm too young and so are Kyle and Kyra.

"How much does H.Q. even have?!" I asked out loud. 

Try to remember that we are not the only family who are apart of the magic government.

This means Max has this much too.

I saw a note poking out of the envelope that was beside me. I took it out and placed the money back into it for the moment.

I'll need to open a post office account or something. I thought as I read through the note.

|Dear Alecxis,                                                                          |
|    The money enclosed in this envelope are            |
|for you to buy some stuff for yourself. You may   |
|get whatever you wish. James has more money  |
|for food.                                                                                   |
|    Also, You will now, along with Max, be  
home   |
|schooled as we can not risk someone  finding      |
|you guys again.                                                                    |
|    Enjoy your new life.                                                       |
|              -H.Q.                                                                            |     

I grinned. 

One thousand, five hundred and fifty. And its for me to spend as I pleased. I put the money in a pocket dimension to ensure it's safe. I ran downstairs and asked my brothers could we got into town tomorrow and go shopping. 

Even though I knew that Aidan, Jack and James all hate shopping, I know they'll do it because, we have very little possessions.

James made a quick list of necessary things like bath stuff, clothes, shoes, toys and things for Kyle and Kyra and so on.

I made my own list.


"Hi Max!" I called as I saw Max come out of his house. I was in the mini bus that H.Q. had sent to us for the amount of shopping we'll be doing. 

Some guards came along too, though I don't know why. They were dressed in normal clothes, not their uniforms.

Max and his family had their own mini bus and guards too. We weren't sharing anymore so H.Q. gave us separate things.


We were in town. I had asked James the previous day could I go off without Kyle and Kyra and he said that he'll take care of them so I'm free.

Me and Max had planned to meet up at the Eddie Rockets at half two. It was now five to one. I went off and first, bought a purse and handbag. I'm not very fussy about this kind of stuff so I picked a simple purse and a black leather bag that was big enough for a few things. I went to the bathrooms in the shopping center and took some money from the pocket dimension. 

I went from shop to shop. In the end, I got a good amount of clothes {using the money James gave me}, a new phone {I'd switch my sim card into it later}, a set of headphones and earphones and some other things.

It was twenty past two so I headed to Eddie Rockets. Max was there already. He had a good few bags himself.

"Hi Max." I greeted as I sat down beside him.

"Hi. Wow, you really need THAT amount of stuff?" Max asked as he looked at all my shopping bags.

"Yes. Anyway, we did just move here. And I have very few clothes. I may be a tomboy, but I do like to have a variety of clothes." I told him. He shrugged and asked for a waiter. 

We ordered our food and ate. We talked about what life will be like here, being home schooled and everything else.

Max also told me that we'd actually be starting at Magic Academy full time. I mean, nearly full time. We still had to be home schooled so... Yeah.. That sucks but whatever.

We headed back to the mini buses. We put our bags into our own mini buses. I texted James. He told me to text him when I was going home.

Alecxis: Hi James! I'm going home with Max now. I'll see you later. Also, my bags are in the mini bus.

James: Ok. See you at home. 

Myself and Max walked home. Our houses weren't that far from town and we needed the mini buses for the shopping.

1. The note took literally FOREVER to do.
2. I don't know if Eddie Rockets have waiters
That's all. BAI!

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