Sixteenth Birthday Day

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-Alecxis' P.O.V.-

"I finally got it!" I shouted out loud.

"What did you get Max?" Aidan asked.

We were currently in a Starbucks cafe. Aidan tried to sneak a peak at what I got Max for his birthday. I snatched the bag away.

"Not until Max sees it!" I said.



I was getting ready for Max's birthday party. It was a week and a half after I had gotten Max's birthday presents.

Max was out, being distracted by his mom. Even though it was a day before Max's real birthday.


"Wakey wakey sleepy head!" I gently shook Max's sleeping body.

"Ugh.. Five more minutes mom..." he muttered, turning on his side.

"Max! I'm not your mom!" I kissed him on the lips. That woke him up.

"Wha? What's happening?!" Max asked.

I said nothing. I got off the bed and stood up.

"Happy birthday Max!" I said. I hugged him as he sat up.

"It's that time already?" he asked sleepily.

"Come on. Get dressed. Everyone's waiting down stairs for us." I told him.

I turned my back to him so he could change privately. I used Requip Magic to change quickly into my new clothes.

"Let's go!" I took Max's hand and led him to one of the huge rooms.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX!!' Everyone shouted as we entered the room.


"Open your presents Max!" Everyone chanted.

"Here." I handed Max one of my presents.

He opened it. Inside was a new phone, one Max really wanted but wasn't allowed.

He hugged me.

"Thanks so much Alecxis!" Max thanked.

"No problem. You have many more to go through so get going." I told him.


After Max opened all his presents, we had food and cake.

Myself and Aidan had to leave early to put Kyle and Kyra to bed. We offered to take the twins to bed too so Max's parents could spend some time with their eldest son.

We finally managed to get the four kids to bed.

"You're coming back?" Aidan asked.

"No I have to do something. Tell Max that I won't be back for the rest of the party and that I'm sorry. I need to change my bandage and do some other things." I told Aidan.

"Are you sure? I mean, this IS Max after all..."

"I'm sure. I need to do this." and with that, Aidan left.

I opened a portal and jumped through. 

"I'm in the right dimension thank goodness."

I slipped my backpack off and quickly changed my bandage. It didn't go very fast as the old bandage was bloodied and dried. I finally got it off and tied a new bandage around it, fastening it with a long plaster.

I made my way to Dante Vale's house.

*Knock knock*


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