chapter 15

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(Sorry I haven't posted any parts, but I've been sick all week)

Niall jumped off me.

"Mum" I said.

Nialls cheeks were red.

"So who is this young man" My stepfather said.

"Hello Sir, I'm Niall" He took his hand out, and Tom shakes it. This was so embarrasing.

"Nice to meet you Niall, I'm Tom" He say.

"Are you guys hungry" My mum asks.

I looked over at Niall. He nodded his head.

"Sure" I said.

"Oh good, I will cook dinner for us all" my mum say way to excited. She is probably happy that I've finally brought a boy with me home.

"We will go up and wait" I say and stand up from the chair. Niall walked right behind me.

"So this is my room" I say and open the door.

Niall run to the bed and jump in it. "It's so soft" He lays his head down on the pillow.

"That was so awkward" I say.

"Well no not really" Niall say.

"It's the first time I've brought a boy home so my mum is like freaking a bit out" I could feel my cheeks warm up when I say it.

Niall starts to laugh. "I feel special" He say.

"You should" I tease him.

He take his arms around me and lay me down in the bed with him. I stare into his eyes and he kiss me softly on my lips. My phone starts vibarting. I take it up from my pocket.

"Who is it" Niall ask.

"It's Harry" I say.

Niall roll his eyes and lay his head behind on the pillow.

"Hello" I say in the phone.

"Hello Jennifer, where are you" Harry asks.

"Home" I say.

"Can we talk" He asks.

I look over at Niall. He is laying in my bed with his hand over his head.

"I can't right now" I say.

"Are you with Niall" He asks.

"Yes" I say quiet

"Of course you are" He whisper quiet with a sarcastic voice.

"We can meet later" I ask.

"Yeah okay, text me"

He hung up.

"What did he say" Niall asks.

"He asked if I could meet him" I take my phone up and take a picture of Niall.

"Did you take a picture off me" Niall jump off the bed.

"Yes" I laugh.

"No fuck. I look like shit. I'm so hangover" He take around me and tries to grab my phone.

"No you look so cute. You look like a poppy" I say and hold the best I can around my phone.

"I look like shit" He say. I interrupt him by kissing him on his lips.

"Dinner" My mum yells.

"Finally, I'm starving" Niall say.

We walk down to the kitchen. My mum had a apron around her waist. It smelled delicious downstair. We sat down beside eachother.

"I've made chicken" My mum says and put the pan on the table.

"My favorite" Niall says quiet, but loud enough so my mum heard it.

"That's what I thought" She says and sit down on the other side of the table beside Tom.

"So Niall I hear you are not from this town" Tom asks while he put a spoon with food on in his mouth.

"That's right. I'm from Irland, rather said Mullingar. But I've lived in London a few years before I moved over here" He say.

"Do you live here with your parents" He asks.

"No. I moved over here with Harry.." He interrups himself. "A few friends from London to go college".

"So you're in college" Tom rais his eyebrown.

"Yes" Niall say.

I stared Tom down in hope that he would shut up and don't make this to some reality question show thing.

"Well you seem like a nice young man" My mum say and smile at me. She is so awkward.

"Thank you" Niall laugh a bit. I laugh too. Because he is not nice. At all.

"Thanks for dinner" I say and stand up from the chair.

"Thank you so much. It tasted quite good" Niall say.

My mums face lights up. She loves when people comment her food.


"I'm so sorry for all the questions" I say and I sit down on my bed.

"Thats okay. It's normal. The food really helped against my terrible hangover. But I have to get home now and see what is going on there" Niall say.

"I'll come with you. I need to talk with Harry" I say.

We drove down the streets. It was dark outside, but the weather was good.

"You have to listen to this" Niall say and scroll on his iphone.

The music starts to play really loud.

"Baby write this down take a little note" Niall sing as loud as he can.

"Wtf are you listening to country" I laugh hard.

"To remined you in case you didn't know" He follows the lyrics perfectly. His voice was not bad at all. It was actually really good.

"Tell yourself I love you and I don't what you to go" I sing with him, but my voice is horrible.

"I had no idea you could sing. Your voice is beautiful" I say.

"Well not yours" Niall laughs.

We park outside his house. The lights were on so Harry had to be home. I was wondering what Niall would say to Harry, and what he would do.

I open the door first. "Hello" I yell. Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis is sitting on the couch.

"Hey" they all say. Liam stands up and give me a hug while Harry stares me down.

"We can talk now" I say to Harry.

Niall came in behind me. Everybody felt the awkwardness that fuilled the room. Me and Harry walked out of the house. I turned around and saw Niall sat down with the other.

"You okay mate" I heared Zayn ask him before I smashed the door again after me.

I walked beside Harry down the street. "You had to talk with me" I say. He didn't answer me immediately. He took his hand and shaked his hair.

"Are you and Niall together" He spit out. I could tell by his voice that he was confuced and uncomfortable.

"No" I say. I had no idea what to really say. Me and Niall are not together, but something are we.

"Where are we standing" He asks and fix his hair again.

I had to admit that it is Niall I want.

"Well, I don't know" I say.

"Can we.." Harry starts but I interruped him. "Let's be friends" I say. I felt so mean, and awkward, and felt like puking or something. This was so wierd. Saying those words. I have no idea how people deal with all this love-shit all the time.

"Yeah let's be friends" He say. I could hear the dissapointment in his voice, but I was glad I didn't have to think about Harry anymore.

"I will introduce you to my bestfriend Selena. She's a hottie" I say and laugh a bit.

"You do that" he laugh with me. "So what's going on with you and Niall then" he asks.

"Well he met my parents today actually" I say.

"Say what. Niall met your parents? Wow that's big for him. He never does that" Harry fix his hair again. It starts to annoy me.

"It was not planned tho" I say. We turned around and walked back to the house.

"But Jennifer" His voice got deep.


"Be carefull" He say.

I knew what he ment. Niall and all the girls. He could break my heart any minute, but I somehow had desided to trust him.

"I will". We stood outside the house. I gave him a hug.

"And if he does something promise me you'll tell me and I'll kick his ass" Harry say.

I laugh at him before he open the door to his house. He kick off his shoes.

"Why are you taking your shoes off" I say.

"Because in Europe we do that. I don't get how you americans can wear your shoes on all the damn time" He say with a sassy voice.

"Americans sucks" I hear Louis yells.

"Where is Niall" He was not there.

"On the kitchen" Liam say.

I walk in on the kitchen. He is sitting on the table with a redbull in his hand.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey there" He smile. "What did he say" he asks.

I stood infront of him and I took the redbull out of his hands and take a sip. He hold his hands on my hips.

"We are just friends" I say.

Nialls face lights up. "Good" He say before he kiss me.

Harry interrupted us. "Hello" he say and fix his hair.

"Will you stop that" I say sassy.

"What" Harry looked confused.

"Fixing your hair all the damn time" I say and walk out of the room. I could hear Niall laugh behind me.

I sit down with Liam, Zayn and Louis.

Liam and Louis starts to laugh.

"What" I say.

"Nothing". They struggle to keep their laugh inside.

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