Reasons Why You Should Never Commit Suicide

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1. Your parents will blame themselves and be in despair.
2. Many people will lose a friend or a person whom they admire.
3. You still haven't met and married the wonderful person God has chosen for you.
4. You won't be able to eat food.
5. God will be sad.
6. Your pets will wonder why you're gone and be lonely.
7. Your parents will never get to see you grow and walk you down the aisle.
8. You won't get to visit your dream destinations.
9. Your dream job will just be a dream.
10.You are living your life for God and not for the mean opinions of people.
11. You are loved even when you think nobody cares.
12. Suicide may seem like the only answer but its consequences are the worst.
13. This will come to pass.
14. You still have to cross out the stuff you have on your bucketlist.
15. God still has wonderful plans for you.

If you're going through something be it a suicidal phase, depression, family problems, confusion or anything where you need someone to listen and talk to, I am here and I am always willing to help you and pray for you. But remember that in times like those, the One you should always talk to is God. When He steps in, everything changes.


"Prayer is powerful, but remember that God has His own timing."

"You were given another day, not because you needed it but because someone needed your help."

"When you submit to Him, all your sins are forgiven -even the ones you never told anyone about."

"You have the capability of spreading His word and take part in changing people's lives."

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