Discipleship Lessons

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I have this problem, guys. And I'm going to share it to you: many times, I lack the boldness to share the Gospel in person, but over the time, God has taught me some things that I want to encourage you guys with:

1.) The Living God lives inside us, we have received His power. The Lord is our Shepherd, we lack NO good thing. He called us to make disciples, thus, He will provide all that we need. He will give us peace if we trust in Him.

2.) Even though others may deny Christ's existence, NOTHING can certainly change what Christ has done in our lives.

3.) Discipleship mustn't be done in such a way like approaching someone and say, "You're going to hell blah blah blah". It must be done the Jesus way: loving, gentle and kind to everyone.

4.) Being upset because you were made fun of for sharing the Gospel is not enough of a reason to stop. As one person on Twitter said, "We shall not stop until earth looks like heaven."

5.) Optimism in the midst of trial is a great way of planting a seed in the hearts of people. They would start asking you and you'll be like, "Chill, Jesus has overcome the world -how much more get us through this temporary problem?"

6.) Stop wasting your time debating over doctrines and whatnot. Use that time instead to spread the love of God. No conversion to God (not to religion) will take place if people see hate in a person who claims to be a follower of Christ. Lead people closer to Christ, y'all.

7.) Don't be ashamed of using the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus when preaching. There were times back then when I only used the word "God" since it was general for all beliefs, but WHY BE ASHAMED TO SAY THE NAME OF THE ONE WHO SAVED OUR SOULS, TOOK UP OUR SHAME AND GUILT ON THE CROSS AND REDEEM US??? (Btw, the Father and the Holy Spirit are equally as important as the Son, but I'm just putting an emphasis on Jesus because before, I often stopped myself from saying His name as other people might get offended and I'm honestly so sorry to Jesus for those times I did.)

8.) When discipling other people don't act in such a way like you're an expert and end up making that person feel intimidated. Be humble and encouraging, because you are engaging and learning from each other, too.

9.) If the person you share the Gospel to rejects it, do not sow hatred in your heart towards that person. Keep loving and praying for people.

10.) Being a disciple means being Christ's follower, He is the true leader and He is the one keeping the Church growing. Being His follower, we should reflect Him, not misrepresent Him.

11.) Build a friendship first with the person you are helping in his/her walk with God so you could open up to and pray for each other. Know their interests and share puns (lol).

12.) Jesus, even when He was in pain at the cross for the sins we committed, saw us with love. Thus, we must see others that way, too even when they have done wrong to us.

13.) Be outspoken about your faith even to strangers. For example, when someone thanks you for giving a favor, say something like, "Oh! No problem. I learn to love helping others because that is what Jesus has also done to me."

14.) Once you call yourself a Christian, the things that you do will start giving others the idea of who Christ is, so do not do something that will destroy others' idea of Christ.

15.) As you spread God's light, darkness will attempt to overpower that light. But no matter what happens, a city on a hill cannot be hidden. Jesus has overcome the darkness.

16.) As you make Him known to others, you are never alone. Do not fear. He lives inside of you and it is the Holy Spirit giving you that desire to make disiciples. Keep making Jesus famous! Lend your ears and follow the call.


Almighty God, I praise you for redeeming me from the chains that used to bind me. Lord, teach me to walk in Your light and spread this light to the people around me. Chisel away what needs to be chiseled away from me and make me more like You so that others may see You in me. Let me see others through Your eyes and speak through me. Lord, thank You for the assurance that everything works together for the good of those who love you. Please give me a burning desire to be used by you to save the lost and I claim Your precious blood and anointing to be poured out on me, and supernatural boldness, signs and wonders shall follow as I go out and be Spirit-led as I, with Christ-like love, preach Your word to Your beloved sons and daughters, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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