Chapter One

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DISCLAIMER: MTV is the respective owner(s) of Teen Wolf. I am only borrowing their characters for non-profitable entertainment purposes ONLY.

As I sat in my chair I couldn't believe what was happening. My mom was laying next to me, in a coma. We were at beacon hills long-term care and it was 12:50 in the morning. I hadn't left her side once this week and haven't slept a second. I was exhausted but I had to be awake in case mom woke up. The only way I was staying awake was by listening to loud music. We had been in a car accident. I walked away a few cuts and bruises. My mother however had taken the worst of it and had a broken collarbone and head trauma.

My mother is a single parent and I an only child. My father had been killed in an animal attack six years ago. I've lived beacon Hills all my life with my mom. My mom had named me Lilly after her mother. My only friends are Scott, Stiles, Allison, Jackson, and Lydia. Scott and Allison are totally a thing and stiles has had a crush on Lydia forever. But it probably won't happen because Lydia and Jackson are in love. Scott has longish brown hair and has been acting weird lately. Stiles has short, black hair and has a naturally inquisitive look on his face. He is Sheriff Stillinski's son. He and Scott are always getting in trouble. Allison is new to Beacon Hills and Lydia immediately befriended Lydia and started dating Scott. Lydia is the most popular and pretty girl in the school and Jackson is the captain of the lacrosse team. I have long dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I'm not skinny but not fat either. I have a slight build and can beat most other girls in a fight. We all went to Beacon Hills High School.

I couldn't hear anything over my music. My favorite song was on, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy. I had to fight the urge to sing along since it could disrupt patients in other rooms. Mom had a room to her own, thanks to her being a nurse at the hospital. My stomach growled and I realized just how hungry I was. I wonder if there are any vending machines around. "Be right back mom, i'm gonna go find something to eat." I wish you were awake. I cracked the door open trying not to make too much noise. The hallway was empty, not a nurse in sight. Just my luck. Now I'll be looking forever just to get some M&Ms.

With my music still blaring, now playing Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, I walked into the hallway. Didn't I see a vending machine on my way in? I took a left, and then a right and I saw a vending machine at the end of the hall. Thank god, that was quick. I turned up my music and searched for a dollar bill in my pocket. Finding a five I put it in the machine and hit B3 for M&Ms. after I opened the slot and got my chocolaty goodness, I opened it and popped a few in my mouth. I started walking and soon found I was lost. I turned right then left, right? Why cant I find moms room?

My music shuffled to Monster by Skillet and after taking another right I bumped into something. I dropped my m&ms and cursed. I looked up and realized I had run into a man. I dropped my headphones around my neck. "I am so sorry! I didn't see you and I- uh," I trailed off as I looked at his face. Half of his face was burnt and disfigured. His jet-black hair was a mess and his brilliant blue eyes seemed to look right into my soul. "I like your music," he said softly. My heart fluttered and I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. "I- uh, th-thanks," I stuttered. He smiled smugly and my heart skipped a beat as he spoke. At this point I was fighting to keep my eyes open and I realized just how tired I was. I needed to sit down or I was gonna pass out. "What are you doing here so late?" he said softly, "It's dangerous at night. And we wouldn't want such a beautiful girl getting hurt, now would we?" I knew I was blushing from the heat I felt in my cheeks.

My heart stopped as our eyes connected. His eyes turned brilliant red and he smiled, revealing sharp fangs. I backed up and tripped over the m&ms I had forgotten about. I felt a pain shoot up my arm as I fell on it. Being exhausted mixed with the pain caused me to become lightheaded. I looked up at his still bright red eyes that now held a look of concern. He kneeled down next to me quickly and asked if I was all right with. He put a hand on my arm and I saw that he had sharp claws. I looked at him with pure fear in my eyes and passed out.

This is my first ever story so please comment! Constructive criticism is appreciated!

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