1 (first edit)

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A/N: Thank you so much for choosing to read As They Fall! This is the first draft and as a result, the quality of writing is not always great, but I am currently uploading the edited chapters so hopefully, it will be much better.
Thank you for taking the time to read ATF, I hope you enjoy it.
Let me know what you think, c
ritiques are always highly appreciated. 
Enjoy! :)

My eyes snapped open when I heard a loud knock on my bedroom door.

"Amelia? Are you dressed? May I come in?"

Stifling a groan, I rolled out of bed, adding another layer over my nightgown.

"Yes, Uncle Henry!"

My uncle pushed the door open hastily, making way for a large package carried by Tia, my maid.

"What's this?" I asked as she set the box down on my bed. Realisation soon dawned upon me and I turned to face him with a groan. "Uncle Henry, must I go? I hate having to stand on ceremony, especially for that dolt William."

"That's Sir William," he corrected, patting my hair affectionately, "I've given you over a year to make a decision but you keep rejecting them all! I know you dislike him now but once you get to know him I'm sure his more amiable qualities will outweigh the bad; I assure you, he's a proper gentleman. I should add that it is also at the request of his father, Lord Marsh, that we both attend and I would not insult him by declining."

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right and there would be no avoiding the ball tonight. Forcing myself to be cheerful, I looked up at him with a cheeky grin plastered on my face.

"So, you decided to bribe me into coming with you?" I paused for a moment before I continued, "I suppose I shall have to see this new gown then."

"That's the spirit!" He laughed, somewhat relieved, his gentle brown eyes crinkling at the edges. Tia opened the curtains, releasing a flood of warm sunlight into the room and I flinched at the sudden change, but the view was worth it. The azure sky stretched as far as the eye could see, peppered with perfect clusters of white clouds, while warm sunlight kissed the tops of the trees that gently swayed in the morning breeze. I couldn't help but smile at the gorgeous weather, a welcome change from the unseasonal amount of rain and hail we'd had recently.

Now that the room was bright, Tia returned to my side and unwrapped the package. A soft gasp slipped through my lips when the gown was revealed. The bodice was a deep, violet colour with golden leaves stitched into the elbow, where it then became trailing silk. Leaves were also stitched into the waistband at the top of the skirts which faded into a lovely powder blue.

"It's beautiful!" I remarked, lifting the gown out of the box into the light, the stitching glimmering like spun gold. I held it to my face and inhaled its soothing floral scent, pausing for a moment before I turned to my uncle and frowned.

"This must have cost a fortune! You shouldn't have spent that much on a single dress." He merely chuckled at my scolding and I sighed inwardly; Uncle Henry had never been good with money.

"I didn't spend a single piece of gold, nor silver for that matter, it was your mother's. My dear sister wanted to save it for your first ball as a marriageable woman, but you weren't quite tall enough." My heart pinched as he reminded me; my sixteenth birthday had been a remarkable event. Lords and ladies from all over Galaan had arrived to congratulate me and I had received many propositions that very day. Though I found a way to politely decline all of them my uncle had continued to mention the sons of his friends and business partners to me even now, over a year later. I loved my uncle dearly but I was growing tired of his constant suggestions. I may be of noble blood, but the topic of marriage always had me wishing I was like all the other townsfolk.

As They Fall [First Draft] ~ Currently Editing ~Where stories live. Discover now