Twenty - Eight

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A/N: Hey everyone, sorry for the delay again. I was having a little trouble with some aspects of this chapter. It's a bit of a filler but I promise the next few chapters are going to be go-go-go so I figured Amelia and the others deserve a bit of a rest :P

Happy Birthday to @GeekyStories who I'm sure will enjoy this chapter ;) 
Dedicated to @stpolishook for all her help! 

The spot Merek chose was breathtaking. He had led us to a lush field of wildflowers encircled by witch hazel, beside a waterfall that flowed into a narrow river of crystal-clear water. The spicy scent of the vibrant yellow witch hazel flooded my nostrils and I couldn't help but think of Elizabeth. She was so young, her life barely started, before it was snuffed out and I prayed with every fibre of my being she would find some form of comfort beyond death. I placed a flower on top of the fresh pile of earth Elizabeth now lay beneath and felt the lump in my throat grow until I was bawling. Helping Merek and Charlie dig her grave had been hard but nothing compared to the idea of letting go. Charlie wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head, his breathing ragged as he tried to control his own emotions.

The Queen, Misaeh and Merek's family had all moved away from the grave to give us space but I could feel their gazes on us as they waited.

"Goodbye," I sobbed, my voice muffled by Charlie's clothing as I squeezed my eyes shut. I waited a few moments before taking Charlie's hand in my own and leading him over to the others, giving Merek a moment alone. Enara hugged me the way only a mother could and I blinked at her gratefully, comforted by her warmth. Charlie let go of my hand and wandered over to his mother, who was communicating with a sparrow nearby.

"The army's been spotted. They will be upon us in eight days," she announced, her voice filled with deep concern. The sparrow flew off and the Queen beckoned Lowin to her side, communicating with him in an urgent whisper. He dipped his head to her before sprinting back to the city, the twins hot on his heels.

"Is there anything I can do?" asked Charlie, desperate to have any task that could occupy him.

"You could take a look at our metal weapons and armour, we have no mines and therefore possess only what we have scavenged, found and traded for over the centuries," she suggested and Charlie nodded eagerly, heading back to the city immediately. I was turning to follow him when the Queen called out to me,

"Amelia, I want you to get some rest. You look like a slight breeze would knock you flat." I bristled at the suggestion, but then I remembered the power she had exuded earlier and reconsidered challenging her.

"Have you contacted King Alfred yet?" The Queen sighed deeply at my question before she responded.

"Yes. I sent Misaeh to his palace the moment I received your report from the mountains but it was hopeless. The capital was in chaos, people were running riot in the streets and there were dead livestock and horses everywhere. The King himself seemed possessed and refused to acknowledge the claims of a Kingdom he'd never heard of. Misaeh was lucky to escape with her life." For the first time, I was somewhat glad that my uncle was no longer in our hometown, Havar was one of the furthest towns from the mountains but the horses and livestock were already being struck down before we had left. I sent a silent prayer for Tia, and the other townspeople's safety before turning my attention back to the Queen.

"I see, so the sickness was caused by Rihnunir then?" Her expression changed from worry to sympathy and she nodded before she replied,

"He imprisoned the dragons with the intention of preventing them from being able to keep nature in balance. Without their powers, animals become sick, plants shrivel, and all the negative emotions that people usually ignore or suppress, are brought to the surface and intensified. Leading to mass outbursts of violence and rage, such as the situation Misaeh experienced in the capital. It is much easier to control someone when they are angry, starving and terrified." As she spoke, I recalled the unnatural look in the Captain's eyes when we had fought, Elizabeth's rage while repeatedly stabbing the young guard who'd cut off Merek's hand, and all our individual outbursts and irritability throughout our journey.

As They Fall [First Draft] ~ Currently Editing ~Where stories live. Discover now