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          Smoke, there is smoke everywhere. It burns my lungs and stings my eyes like a thousand fiery demons are dancing beneath their lids. I look around and cry out,

"Mama! Papa! Where are you?" There is a loud banging and creaking coming from above me. I am frightened, my heart hammering in my chest and blood pounding in my ears. Again I cry out I am only a young girl, my small nightgown trailing around me. I can see orange and yellow lights dancing beneath my door. Hungry, searching for more to engulf. To destroy. There is a loud cracking and the door flies open, splintering into a million pieces. Papa is there. I am safe. Papa has come for me. I watch as he falls, twitching as the smoke billows out of him, swallowing him whole. I scream a cry of desperation and anguish. I can hear someone calling my name but I see only my Papa. The light in his eyes replaced by reflections of the blaze around him. I can feel myself being carried by someone, their touch is warm and loving carrying me away from my fallen father, my Papa, my hero.

          I jerked awake, ripping off the bed covers. My forehead was beaded with sweat and my body was trembling.

"They're back," I murmured as I went over to my nightstand and poured myself a glass of water. I hadn't had those flashbacks in three years. I grabbed a handkerchief and dabbed at the sweat on my forehead, before taking a long sip of water from the glass. Looking outside my window I saw that the sky was beginning to glow orange with the approach of dawn. I opened the doors and stepped out onto the balcony, breathing deeply in the cool morning air. I watched the sky become lighter and lighter, the air warming as it heralded the approach of summer. Soon I heard a tap at my door, my maid Tia stepped in and looked at me with surprise as she said,

"M'lady, I did not know you were awake. I would have woken earlier to assist you!" I smiled at her gently and replied,

"That's quite all right Tia, I have not been awake for long. Would you prepare a bath for me?" Curtsying, she added,

"Of course M'lady I'll start right away." With that she hurried out the room. I shook my head slowly. Tia was such a timid girl always hurrying from place to place, thinking any mistake she made would mean punishment. I wished she would calm down a little and stop fretting over such small and trivial things but I knew she meant well. I sighed and faced myself towards the sun once more, basking in the warm golden light. After a few moments I went at my oak vanity and began to comb my hair. I started singing softly to myself as I pulled the comb through my tangled hair. The song was an old lullaby that my mother had sung to me when I couldn't sleep.

"Deep in the valley.

High in the trees.

No matter how far away we may seem.

Our love for you will always be strong.

Sweet little child.

Lay down your head.

Don't say a word.

You're safe in your bed." 

          I finished combing my hair and turned to see Tia frozen in the doorway holding two large buckets of steaming water. She looked at me her blue eyes glassy.

"What is it Tia? You look as if you've seen a ghost!" I chuckled. Tia quickly snapped out of her daze and stammered,

"I'm so sorry M'lady! It's just I c... came in and your v... voice is so lovely!" She scurried off into my washroom and began filling my bath with the water. I smiled to myself and blushed. I wasn't used to people hearing me sing. It had always made me feel vulnerable, as if they were reading my mind and all my feelings were on display.

As They Fall [First Draft] ~ Currently Editing ~Where stories live. Discover now