Twenty - Four

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A/N: Things are getting reaaalllll. Thanks for sticking with As They Fall this far <3

The day was a bleak and frosty one, the sky glowering beneath the weight of the dense, grey clouds smothering the sun. Since dawn we had been observing the camp from the rocky ledge and I was freezing. My neck ached from laying on my stomach for so long and my clothes were soaked, melted snow seeping through the fabric into my skin. We estimated there to be almost 20,000 soldiers in the camp, made up of humans, goblins and trolls. In addition to the enormous matriarch, there were a dozen lesser dragons who, despite being half the size, were just as formidable.

"I've informed the Queen of the army and your uncle's position," said Merek, returning from where he had been conveying the message to a falcon.

"When will we receive a reply," I responded, my teeth chattering.

"About two days," he replied, his brow furrowed.

"Do we have two days?" Elizabeth sounded concerned, her gaze focused on my uncle, still trapped in his cage.

"There's nothing else we can do until we have a plan," said Charlie, backing down from the edge of the overhang until he could stand up, out of sight. I was about to get up and follow him when a flicker of movement near Uncle Henry's cage caught my eye. A tall, man with greying black hair, dressed in intricate metal armour had emerged from a nearby tent, his hand on the pommel of his sword as he scanned his surroundings. Locating a group of Goblins, he barked an order to them in their strange dialect, before he peered into uncle Henry's cage and rattled it. When he didn't stir, the man jabbed him in the ribs with his scabbard, eliciting a loud groan that made my stomach churn. Elizabeth inhaled sharply as she watched him and her vibrant, green eyes glistened with tears.

"No!" she wailed, tears spilling down her cheeks and she buried her face in her hands. Merek rushed over and together we helped her down the slope,

"What's wrong?" he soothed, placing his hands either side of her head, tilting it up to look at him.

"My father is down there," she choked out, and I let out an involuntary cry of anger.

"Your father?" Merek's brow furrowed as he spoke, ignoring my outburst. She nodded sadly, the black curls of her hair forming curtains around her face as she stared at the ground.

"We should get back to camp, it's too dangerous to stay here," warned Charlie, leading us away from the war camp. Elizabeth was silent, leaning on Merek as she walked. In our own camp, we sat around the embers of the fire, each of us eyeing Elizabeth's shaking figure, unsure of what to do.

"It'll be okay," Merek reassured her, placing a comforting hand on her back. She flinched at his touch and looked up at him her eyes blazing with anger,

"No, it won't!" she fumed, getting to her feet.

"Elizabeth..." I began, choosing my next words carefully, "If your father tries to stop us rescuing my uncle, we may have to injure or even kill him. I understand if you don't want to help us anymore." Elizabeth glared at me and didn't reply, choosing instead to storm off into the distance.

Merek watched her retreating figure before he sighed and hurried after her.

When they were gone, Charlie turned to me and frowned,

"That was tactless even for you," he muttered, his words heavy with disappointment.

"I know," I sighed, "but it needed to be said."

"Did it?" Charlie gazed at me, his eyes failing to conceal his doubt. Ignoring his question, I continued,

"It all makes sense now. Lord Marsh must have been amassing this army for years, hence why Sir William has been running his estate. In order to keep him content and not asking questions, Lord Marsh must have promised him that he could have me. With my uncle out of the way, Sir William could easily announce that our engagement had been approved and I would have been forced to marry him."

As They Fall [First Draft] ~ Currently Editing ~Where stories live. Discover now