Part 4

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Travis P.O.V

(Little bit of Aarmau in this just FYI)
Mother of Irene Aphmau can be so emberrassing sometimes, I mean I didn't really mind having Zane in my arms, but really in public? Her whole thing with trying to hook me up with someone started over the summer when I told her I was bi and that I wanted to try out a relationship with a guy. She told me she knew this guy that would be interested in me, but never said his name. I pretty sure Zane hates me now. I don't know why I feel the need to flirt whenever I'm embarrassed in front of cute people, it normally ends up with me getting slapped or pubched. I was Suprised Zane didn't try to hit me. Zane... such a pretty name. He was so small and adorable. I just wanted to squeeze the life out of him. His eyes were beautiful and he had quite the butt, I'm not gonna lie I found my self looking many times. I was so caught up in my zane dreaming that I didn't notice the couple giggling around the corner. I rounded the corner and saw Aphmau with this guy. I think his name was... Angle? oh Aaron, yeah. They were pretty close together against the lockers. I stopped and looked at them from afar, popping my head slightly around the corner. Aaron looked around for a while before leaning down and kissing Aphmau. I smiled to myself because I knew she liked someone and now I know who. I was going to slowly and carefully walk away but of course my backpack hit against the trash can knocking it over.
"Ahh no!" I shouted before trying to catch it making a very loud noise that was louder than if the trash had hit the floor.
"TRAVIS?!" Aphmau shrieked from a few feet away.
"Haha... Heyy Aphmau..." I smiled at her meekly.
"How much of that did you see?" Aaron asked moving agressivly towards me. Oh Irene he is going to kill me.
"Ah... all of it but I'm not going to say anything to anyone I am so sorry please don't kill me!" I said quickly moving the trash can between us to shield myself.
"Aaron it's find he is a friend of mine," Aphmau said still red with embarrassment. "Just don't tell anyone travis..." she said to me. I nodded furiously, Irene did that Aaron guy scare the crap out of me.
"Great... now two people know about us..." Aaron said frustrated rubbing the back of his neck. Two?
"Yeah but Zane isn't gonna tell anyone, no offense but he really doesn't have anyone to tell," she said to him. Oh, Zane, that makes a lot of sense. I knew the two of them were pretty close.
"He could tell Garroth..." Aaron said after a moment. Aphmau turned red.
"H-he wouldn't tho!" She said. She took a long sigh before turning back to me. "Not a word Travis."
"Yes ma'am!" I said miming me zipping my lips.
"Okay." She smiled at me.

This is a very necessary part so If you don't like Aarmau it's okay there won't be a lot of it.
Anyway here is the much waited update!
Lots of love, ~Vital <3

Just Love Me Already ~Zanvis~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora