Part 6

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Travis P.o.v

We sat in Aarons car waiting outside of Zane's house waiting for him to come out. I'd had just dressed myself in some black jeans and my favorite green sweater with a long sleeve shirt under because I knew it was cold out. I also wore my favorite green convers that matched the color of my eyes. A small gasp came out of my mouth when Zane walked out of the house, he looked so good and so cute. He got into the car and said hi to me and the others, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I needed to calm down or my little friend might get to excited. I told myself peeling my eyes away from the fine specimen next to me.
~~~~time skip~~~
I have to admit I kept glancing over at him every once in a while, especially in line at the box office at that point I couldn't take my eyes off his ass. Damn those jeans were so tight. We finally go into the theater where it was Aaron, Aphmau, zane and then me in the row and there was not a lot of people there only a few scattered throughout the theater. The movie was beginning and the popcorn was being passed around. The movie was about these people who went into this dimension thing to stop a bad guy but when they got out one guy was left behind and they had ended up 15 years in the future. Pretty boring. I got really bored  about half way through and looked over at Aaron and Aphmau who seemed to be really enjoying it but Zane looked really bored messing with one of the holes in his pants. I looked back at the screen going to put my hand on the arm rest when Zane decided to do the same. Our fingers brushed together and it felt like a spark of electricity went up my body. "Oh sorry." Zane whimpered quietly to me. Thank goodness the light weren't on because I was probably blushing a bright red. "No its fine it was my fault." I leaned over and whispered to him. "Plus I don't think anyone saw... especially not those two." I giggled in his ear waving my arm towards Aphmau and Aaron, who were making out with eachother.  "Oh god" Zane said putting his hand over his face. "Hey let them be. This movie is boring anyway, let's ditch." I smiled at him even though he couldn't see. There was a pause before he responded. "Okay" I put out my hand for him to grab as we walked out of the theatre. There it was again that feeling. Outside the movie theatre there was a stone wall by the stream slightly to the side of the building. I pulled him over there our hands still locked. I let go dreadfully before sitting with my legs hanging of, Zane did the same. We sat there for a while in silence before I spoke. "So..."
"So what?" He said looking at me our eyes met and irene was it beautiful... Irene was he beautiful. I tried to think of something to say. "Uh... what are your interest?" I said stupidly. "Intrest?... like things I like?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Well I really like undertale." He said putting a finger on his lips.
"Really? I love undertale I said smiling to him. We talked for a while about undertale and how we played it, turns out Zane has played it over 8 times. We continued to talk and crack very bad puns related to undertale. We died down from our later and zane smiled at me looking me in the eyes and I smiled back. It was nice to get to talk to him like this. I noticed that we had moved a little closer to eachother over the time that we were talking. He was sitting right next to me so our thighs were touching and one of my hands was placed on the ground behind him. "Irene is it cold out." Zane said rubbing his arms. I unzipped my sweater, pulled it off  and gave it to Zane. "No, I-i can't." He said pushing it away from himself back to me. "No I insist, you need it more than I do." I said giving my sleeves a slight tug. His cheeks blushed a slight red and he grabbed the sweater putting it on. It was slightly to large for him but it was still really cute. "Thanks" he said looking down and playing with the sleeves. "No problem" I said back to him. He looked up at me, I noticed how close we had moved to eachother our faces were very close our noses practically touching. I stared into his bright blue eyes, so beautiful. I found myself leaning forward and Zane doing the same. He placed his hand on top of mine still looking at me. Our faces got closer and closer, our lips brushed together.
"There you two are!" Aphmau voice said from behind us. Zane quickly pulled back and so did I. He was blushing a bright red and I was sure I was too. "Good job babe," Aaron said sarcasticly. Aphmau blushed knowing what she had just interrupted. "Oh... I am so sorry... you guys can contin-" she stuttered. "No! It's nothing let's just go" Zane interrupted her getting up and walking away frustrated.

There you goooo!!!
Have some almost Zanvis (heheh)
Some more love coming your way please be patient!!!
~lots of love Vital < 3

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