Dream Realm

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*Drip* *Drip* *Drip*  Water was dripping somewhere down the tunnel. The air cold and humid. It felt like the chill was going through her bones. Alice shivered with the cold, rubbing her hands on her arms to try to get warm. Though it was no help. She could see her breath, a misty white cloud, appear and disappear in front of her. She tried looking around but it was too dark to see anything but her breath. She felt alone and scared. Thoughts of Joshua swarmed iin her head. Oh, how she wished he was here. He would always try to make things better. *CLOP* *CLOP* *CLOP* *CLOP* The footsteps are coming closer. Who can be here? A light streamed through the dark abyss like a ray of hope. Is it Joshua? Did he come for me? Alice mustered up her strength and tried getting up. She wobbled a bit, but managed to stand. The light was coming closer. Oh, Joshua, let it be you! As the light came to two feet away, she saw him. She really didn't know who it was but he felt familiar to her. He was wearing a t-shirt, a black one at that, and a black hat too. How could he not be cold? He was soon right in front of her. What should she do? She held out her hand. He held it and soon she was immersed in heat and. . . . comfort. She let out a sigh. He dropped his light and opened her arms to her. She fell into him and was engulfed by the emotions she felt just by his touch. His hair was dark and soft. She stroked it and felt her heart beating rapidly. This wasn't Joshua, but it was better than anything she ever felt before. She lifted her head and tried to look into his eyes.

They were green.

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