It takes time

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Dimitri switched gears and drove around the field. He saw her standing there like a scarecrow, brainless. Dimitri was at a red light almost a mile away when he realized he had forgotten her. Not that murderer rather his love. Maybe he could save her. But what happens if he can't? What about her world? Is she still alive there? Or is she dead? Dimitri's head became filled with millions of questions. Yet he knew that he had to get Alice's body and bring it to his house.

Suddenly his cell buzzed in his pants pocket. Without even looking he tossed the phone out the window, letting it crash on the cement. Circling back to the field he picked up Alice's body. The blood had dried yet her face was soft and rosy as if she was still alive. Placing her in the back of his car, he made sure she looked comfy. Dimitri was closing the close when he felt her presence.

Turning around he saw her pale face staring at him. "Alice. . " She seemed to float in the air and being almost a thin transluscent gray. "How.... What are you now?" She stared at him with a soft smile. He felt the urge to grab her and hold her close. "You're the immortal, aren't you supposed to know about ghosts and spirits?" She tilted her head a bit making a cute smile. Although the skies were gray now, he aura seemed to glow a soft light. With a small chuckle, that was nothing but tense, he replied to her, "Well, I have never seen a ghost before."

She held out her hand. "Dimitri, let me show you something." He placed his hand on top of her hand and she led him. At first he was scared he would lose her hold, but somehow she held him him. They were running across the field as a speed where he felt like he was flying. Slowly she lifted up higher and higher. The sun grew brighter as they flew closer up. "Where are you taking me?" She looked down back at him smiling, her eyes sparkling with joy, "To the answer." She looked back up and continued to soar uup to above. The grew brighter, until he had to wince just to look.

"Close, your eyes Dimitri." And he did.

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