Love Cries

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"Dimitri, I. . " She stuttered. Dimitri looked down. He knew he shouldn't have blurted it out, but what could he do, he loves her. Dimitri let go of her and ran his hand through his hair. "Look at Alice," he looked up to her into her lovely eyes, "I'll help you, just try not break my heart." She nodded, but he could tell she was hiding something.

"Alice, what's wrong? Why can't you look into my eyes?" She turned away for a second. Dimitri felt his heart start to ache and begin to crack. He swallowed his heart that was in his throat and reached out to her. "Alice, just please tell me." His hand was shaking and his immortal heart beating faster than light. She slowly turned back to him with tears in her eyes.

She looked up to him and slowly wrapped her arms around his neck in a warm embrace. "Dimitri, I don't know how to say this but, I think I love you too." 

"Then, why are you crying?" His voice was shakey, but he didn't care.

"Because I think I may not see you after you help me." He pulled away from her.

"What do you mean??" 

"I have to sacrifice my soul."

"But, how? You're already dead. I thought that maybe I can bring you back. I can turn you into an immortal like me. I -"

"Dimitri, I'm dead, my body that is, but my soul is still living. I need to die in order to restore what is right."

"But what about your home?"

"It looks like I went missing. They will find me dead once my soul is gone."

"Alice, you can't though! I won't let you! "

"Dimitri I know this is hard, but I need you to help me be gone. And let the others live again." Suddenly shadows emerged from the darkness. Shadows of lost souls that want their life again. 

"Dimitri, the shadows need me."

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