A Day Out

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His car smelt new and fresh. She didn't know where she was going but she had to trust him. She glanced at him from time to time, still not believing that this guy was the one that she dreamt horrible dreams of. That in here he's a kind gentleman, no her boyfriend. He had a soft but cool face. His emerald green eyes now sparkled whenever he spoke to her, like she was his life source. He spoke kindly and made even funny jokes, that even her old boufriend Joshua didn't make. Alice stopped herself. Did she just say old boyfriend? This new world was fascinating to her but she can't forget her world. This wasn't her home. Or was it?

The car stopped. Alice looked outsides. A splendid valley was spread before here. When did this get here, she asked herself. Dimitri opened his door, walked over to her side and opened her door. She took his hand. He led her to a grand spot and told her to sit.

For a while it was silent. He scanned her up and down, but she didn't know what to say or what to do. He reached over to her and wrapped his arm around her. He felt warm and welcoming, and let herself fall on him. He kissed her on her forehead. Alice looked up and smiled. He searched her eyes and let her go. She knew at the moment, he knew, she was not his Alice. "Alice", he said, "you're different. Why are you so cold? Why are you doubting me?" Then getting up and backing away slowly, he gave the last blow, "You're not Alice, are you?"

Alice looked down, sighed, and replied, "Dimitri, it's so confusing to explain. Though all in all, I am not Alice, entirely anyway." He looked at her with pure worry. Should she explain? Dimitri closed his eyes and mumbled the single word Alice needed to least hear. "The mirror." Alice was scared that he knew, but also shocked that he knew before she even knew herself. "What about it?", she asked,"I went through it, but I don't know what is happening." He waved her over and they sat once more. With dark emerald eyes looking at her now, he started speaking. "Alice, it's a long story. I don't know how to start, but I guess I have to tell now." Alice, almost worried by what she is going to hear, braced herself for the long story, that might just give her relief.

 "It started when I bought that necklace. I had bought it for Alice, you, for our anniversary. It was beautiful." Alice looked down at her neck and pulled out the necklace she had put on before she went through the mirror. "Yes, that necklace. I had given it to you. You loved it very much. Then one  day you lost it. We searched your house, from bottom to top. I had asked you where you had lost it and you replied, the bathroom. I went in the room, told you to wait, and locked the door." He paused as if the bring up suspense and then glanced at Alice with scared eyes. "I know, this may be hard for you to take in, but I need to tell you something before I continue. I never told Alice, the other Alice, this, but I need to tell you." Alice nodded cautiosly, waiting to hear he had done something criminal or violent, but instead shocked her with the mind-blowing truth.

"I am immortal."

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