Meanwhile. . .

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 Somewhere in her room Alice was sleeping. She was upset Dimitiri hadn't found the necklace. He had disappeared within the next day, claiming he had to go on a journey. Alice lifted her head off her pillow and searched the pillow for her phone. She found it and looked in the contacts for Dimitri's number. Over and over she searched the list, but she couldn't find him. Alice wondered what happened to the number but typed in the digits again, added him to her contacts, and then texted him.

Scrolling through the contacts she saw another contact with a heart next to it. Alice stared at it and thought about the boy whose number she had. She decided to text him. Who was this boy, she asked herself, and why does I have a heart next to his name? A quick reply buzzed her phone from the boy.

“Hey love, wats up?”

Biting her lip, she lied and texted him back, wondering who was this Joshua.

“Oh just writing a poem. U?” She hoped he knew she wasn't lying and pressed the send button. The reply came quick.

“A poem? When did you start writing things?”

Alice stared at the text. Was he joking around? Alice's friends all knew she was a poet. That's why Dimitri had fallen in love with her. They both were poets and when together would write sweet words. Alice quickly replied to the boy.

“I have always written poems.”

“Rly? You never told or shown me” Alice blinked and wondered a little. Hadn't he heard me say that poem in front of the whole school? The poem I had worked for weeks for?

“Yes, I do write em. What skool do u go 2”

“The same skool as u, love.... wats rong wit u today? U seem out of it?” Alice was surprised but agreed. Who was this Alice he was referring to? I didn't want him near, but he seemed he knew more about her life than she did. Or so it seemed.

“Hey, can u come over?”

“Yeah. I was just comin over for our date. Remember?” Alice's heart quicken. A date?

When did she make a date with this, Joshua? She replied with a quick okay and waited for him to knock.

When the knock finally came, Alice ran downstairs and opened the door. 

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