The Return

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Again she woke in her bed. It was quiet and still in the house. She glance around wary for any movements. She was afraid whether to get up to search or stay in her bed. Did she dream him? She shifted in her bed and sat up straight. she saw her bag on the couch across the room. Didn't she put it next to the bed? Alice got up and shuffled across the room. She grabbed her bag off the couch. It was light. That was strange. She unzipped her bag and looked inside. It was empty except for a notebook.

 It was her drawing notebook! She ran to her bed and sifted through the sheets and couldn't find it. She flipped through her notebook. All her drawings of him were gone! Where were they?! She felt an eerie still in the air as she thought about it. She felt like someone was behind her.

 Alice turned around and there he was. Again. He looked at her and she felt like he knew what hee was all about. He looked up at her and his green eyes shone. Yes they were green- no they were emerald. Shining bright like an unearthed jewel and looking at her. Alice took a step forward and so did he. In a few steps he and her were almost a foot apart.

She reached out and touched his arm. It was warm and real. She atomatically fell into his arms. He smelled good like something familiar and meant to be. His arms wrapped around her and carassed her. His hold wasn't tight nor loose but all in all comforting. She closed her eyes and breathed out a shakey breath. When she looked up, he was gone. She was still warm but he, his touch, his smell, all vanished in thin air.

 Where did he go?

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