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The Shadow came alive, engulfing Alice whole. Alice screamed and tried to run away, but they were to fast. "Alice!!!" Dimitri floated to her, but she was gone. The Shadows spread themselves around him, circling him. "Why did you do that to Alice?" One by one the Shadow split into smaller shadows. Soon children surrounded him.

"She's the one."

Dimitri tried not to be frightened but he felt like he was in a horror story.

"What do you mean?"

"She will let us free!" Echos trailed exclaiming, "Free! Free! Free!"

Children around him stepped up closer to him. "We need a pure soul." "One untouched by human flesh." "A virgin!" They all cried out to him. 

Dimitri looked at one of the Shadows directly, the one with both a full face and body. "Then why do you need me?"

They all laughed. "Every soul knows, that in order to raise a life or even a few lives, you need and immortal."

"What does an immortal do to help raise a life?"

"An immortal soul brings old souls back to their youth."

"Why do you want to live anyway? What's so great about living? You're all going to die sooner or later!" They all looked to each other whispering. The one with everything answered,

"We have unfinished business." 

"What business? Who are you? What were you before Shadows?"

Cries were heard. "A Child!" "A baby!" "A mother!" "A sister!" "A Lover!"

Dimitri looked at every one of them. "Then where did the others go? They must have died too?"

Every single one looked up. Above was a dim light, but anyone could see it was the light.

"Up there!" 

"Why didn't you go up there?"

"We got lost!" Dimitri now understood. These were lost souls wanting to live again so that they can die and join their loved ones.

Dimitri looked at them with a soft gaze, "Give me Alice and we'll both help you. But there's a catch."


"You can't control what Alice or I think or say."

They nodded and from behind flew Alice towards him.

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