The World Spins

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A tall guy with a mop of dark hair stood in front of her. “Hey, what’s with the surprised face, sweetheart?” Alice blinks a little before realizing he was talking to her. “Oh, sorry.” She mumbles and lets him in. He strolls in like it was normal for a high class jock to be in a nerd’s home. Alice, before meeting Dimitri, had always dreamed of being with Joshua. Alice is soon flooded with memories that were not her own.

Images of picnics and cold nights full of cuddling and hot cocoa filled her mind. Alice became light-headed and dizzy. Alice was unsure what was happening to her. Who was she? Where exactly was she? As she blacks out Joshua can be heard calling to her, “Alice, are you alright? Alice?!” She felt his arms go around her as she dropped.

The only word on her lips, “Joshua.” 


“So if I’m here, then the other must be on the other side, right?” Dimitri nodded, but his own face showed that he too was in deep thought. Alice stood up wondering if maybe if she could switch places, maybe everything could be fixed. “Alice.” She looked down at Dimitri. “Yeah?”

“If you are here and Alice is over there, what will happen when she realizes when she’s not in the same world?”

“She’s the same person as me, so she can fit right in.” Alice bit her lip as she hoped that that would happen.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Alice looked at Dimitri in disbelief. Was he asking her out? He must’ve saw the confusion in her face and then added, “In your world. Alice of this world is used to me as her boyfriend.” Alice’s face calmed and drooped at the same time. She shook her head. “I’m with a jock in my school. Will it affect her much?”

“Considering, she has no clue what’s going on, yes it would.” He had a sarcastic tone to his words, but Alice knew it was getting more complicated by the minute.

Alice was thinking of ideas to solve the problem when she was hit with a blinding headache. “Aaahhh!!” She held her head and fell to her knees. Dimitri rushed over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

Slideshows of memories of Dimitri and her flowed through her head. “Memories are in my head. Not mine though.” Dimitri stroked her hair but it didn’t help. Alice was slipping away slowly. She tried to look up at Dimitri but pain soared through her.

She felt the pain stop and the world turn black around her.

Then all was gone.

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