Bubbles Sink

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The clouds passed them by. Dimitri had closed his eyes and now he felt the warmth of the sun beaming down on him. He wanted to stay like this forever. He loved being in a state of flying. It felt calming and cool at the same time. "Dimitri." He heard her call his name. He liked how she said it. It has a lovely ring to it. "Yes, Alice." 

"It's time." Slowly he felt air passing by him and he opened his eyes. They were falling down, down, to the sea of blue. Dimitri's heart became alive and started pounding. Adrenaline pumped through his veins and for the first time, he was afriad of dying.

"Dimitri, calm down. There's nothing to fear." I nodded, but he only half-way believed her. The water came rushing towards them. Inch by inch they fell down. He was sure they were going to die. The blue was soo close now. He closed his eyes, preparing for the impact. It was coming, he knew it. After seconds of not feeling anything he opened his eyes.

All around was water. Yet he was breathing. "Alice!", he called out. She was nowhere in sight. Did she leave him here? Where was here anyway?

* * * * Alice * * * * 

She saw him close his eyes as they entered the water. She watched him stare in amazement that he was breathing under the water. Yet she knew he couldn't see her. "Dimitri, follow my voice." He swam around helplessly. He turned this way and that. "Dimitri, over here." He finally found her voice and started swimming to her. Well he wasn't really swimming but rather walking while foating. " Dimitri, I need you to follow my voice, now. You need to see this." He nodded and followed her into the darker part of the sea.

Does he trust me?, she thought, Or is he just hanging on to me because I died? Alice tried to think back to almost ten minutes ago when she died. She saw the whole scene unravel before he and whithout her knowing, she let out a small scream. "Alice! Are youy okay?" 

* * * * Dimitri * * * * 

He heard her scream and suddenly Dimitri became aware of his surroundings. Darkness had envoloped him. He felt closed in. The water around him darkened until a pitch black filled him eyes. "Alice!" He called out desperately, hoping for some sign of her. "Alice, where are you?"  Dimitri seemed to float in the dark. The silence was unbearable. Where is Alice? What happened to Alice? Dimitri tried to search the black abyss for any source of her. He felt a sharp pain in his chest. Worry filled his mind and he felt a rock building in his throat. "Alice!" He tried calling her again, but still no one answered.

What had happened?

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