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"Are you okay?" One of my employees asked, as a tear slipped from my eye. "Yeah I'm fine" I said with a fake smile. "So what do you think of the idea?"
"It's great, it will definitely grab the customers eye." I said just to make her get out of the room, and thanks God it worked. You're probably wondering how on earth can a 19 year old be the manager of seven different companies. Well my dad always told me that education is the most important thing in the world. So just for his honer, I finished high school at the age of 14 and college at the age of 16 and now I own all my dads companies that he owned. And in my mum's honer I draw  my heart out whenever I can, as she always told me that no matter how hard life gets, you always have to stay who you are. I do all of this just to make my self feel better, but nothing will take the blame of my parents death from me.

My daily routine would include going to work, going to the gym, calling Meena which is the woman who managed the companies while I was still at school and college. She still manages most things that revolves around the companies but any final decisions have to be made by me, always come down to me. She's the only person that I trust since she took me in her home after the accident and treated me like one of her children. But now she's too busy with her actual children and the work, so I'm not as close to her as I was before. But still I give her my full respect because she's the only one that actually put some effort in finding my brother after the accident, although we never found him.

Anyways I always spend most of my time in my favorite cafe near my place, ( I also own it) That's my favorite place to sit in as you can see the beautiful  views of the sun setting over the beach, giving the sky this amazing purple colour from its windows. Well if you already haven't noticed I don't really have any friends, well at least none that live in Florida. I have only one best friend that lives in LA, her name is Natalie. We FaceTime every now and then, I really miss her. She would always know how to make me smile even when the whole world is crashing on top of me. But I don't really smile much anymore since she moved to LA.

I know my life is pretty boring and dull but no one have ever tried to get to know me. I have always been this quiet girl that always sits in the corner with her sketch book in her hand. People always think that I like sitting by myself but they're completely wrong.

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