Chapter 15. I HAD TO CALL HER

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(Cameron's POV)
I tossed and turned in my bed trying to get Alex out of my head but I can't. I checked my phone and it was 2 am.
UGGGH, you know what? Stuff it. I'm calling her right now. I got up and wore the closest shirt I could find, grabbed my phone and woke outside of the room.
At the end of the hallway there was a door leading to a balcony. I went inside and started calling her. Pick up..

"Hello!" She yelled
"Cameron is everything okay?" She yelled again with a worried voice. Her voice sounded deeper than usual. That's probably because I woke her up in the middle of the night.
"Cameron.." She said
"Oh sorry, yeah everything is fine."
"Then why are you calling me at freaking 2 am??" She asked.
"I needed to know something important."
"Well just tell me before I go back to sleep with out knowing, because I'm that tired right now" she snapped...oops
"Why were you so angry when I called you? You sounded like you were gonna kill someone"
"Can we just talk about this later?" She complained.
"Or you can tell me now and go back to your sleep and sleep some more on the plane tomorrow" I snapped
"Uggh fine, I was just angry at Meena because she's been keeping some secret from me about Carters dad, I will tell you the details tomorrow."
"Okay, so you're not angry at me or anything?"
"Noo, why would I be angry at you?
I'm predicting you thought that from the way I was talking to you, and I'm really sorry but.."
"It's alright I understand" I cut her off because I could tell just from her voice that she was feeling really guilty.
"I'm sorry for waking you up this late, I just wanted to make sure that everything is good between us."
"Oh I'm the one who should be sorry.."
"It's fine I swear, I understand how stressful your situation was." I cut her off again.
"Anyways, I will see you tomorrow" I said
"Okay, see ya"

Well now that I made sure everything is good I can go to sleep, FINALLY!!

(Alexandra's POV)
Oh my gosh. I feel so bad. I can't believe I actually talked to him that way. I hope he really does understands and not just saying that. Oh my gosh

I'm such an idiot.

But he actually called me that late to make sure that everything is good. I find this really admirable and abnormally sweet. No one ever (except Natalie) was even bothered to ask me what was wrong whenI was crying. And he just called me in the middle of the night to ask if I was okay when I sounded stiff on the phone.

But who am I kidding?..he probably does this to everyone. He's a really sweet guy and cares for everyone. I should just stop thinking and go to sleep. I'm getting my hopes up high then crash them down every time I think too much. I better go to sleep now. It's going to be long day tomorrow.

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