Chapter 20. JUSTIN?!

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(Alexandra's POV)
We finally arrived and parked on front of the house. We got out and knocked on the door. We waited a few seconds then Cameron opened the door for us.

"Hello ladies" Cameron said
"Looking good tonight" he continued
"THANKYOU very much" Natalie replied flicking her hair.
He laughed and I just shook my head

"Cmon in" Cameron said while holding the door open for us
We went in and his mum, sister and another boy that looked familiar  came out to say hi.

"These are my friends Natalie and Alexandra. You already met before." He said pointing at us while we shakes hands with everyone except Sierra we gave her a hug since she was our age, kind of.

"Alex and Natalie, this is my mum.."
"But you can call me Gina" she said cutting him off.
"This is my sister Sierra.." She waved at us.
"...And this is my little bro, Justin."

At that moment, memories, pictures and thoughts just came flashing in my brain. Is it really Justin? No probably  not. But he looked really familiar. Is that why he looked familiar? Oh my gosh what if it is Justin, my brother?

(Cameron's POV)
"...And this is my little bro, Justin" I continued
Natalie smiled at him and he waved back. But Alex was just standing still with her eyes frozen staring at Justin.

My mum and my sister were already gone to prepare the food when I was introducing Justin. I looked at Natalie and Natalie looked at me back.

"Alex?!" Natalie called her then Alex snapped out of her daydream, or whatever it was.
"Oh sorry, I just remembered something important.." She said shaking her head
"Hi Justin, nice to meet you."She said and gave him a smile.
"Nice to meet you too." He said back
"Sorry cam, can you show me the way to the toilet?" She asked
"Sure" I said giving her a confused look.
I led her to the toilet and she went in.

"Sorry, we'll be back" Natalie said giving me a smile and walking in the toilet, closing the door behind her and locking it.

(Alexandra's POV)
I washed my face rubbing all my make up off. I was just trying so hard not to let any memories flash through my eyes cause if they did, nothing could control my tears.
I looked in the mirror above the sink.
That's when the door opened and Natalie went in locking the door behind her.
"Are you okay?, what happened?" She asked
"Was it that obvious?" I said trying to hide my face by turning around
"Yes it was, and you need to tell me what's wrong with you and that poor kid Justin. He's going around, asking me and Cameron what he did to make you upset."

I just swallowed the huge lump in my throat and got my phone out. I had a picture of Justin ,my brother when he was young just before the accident. I found it and showed Natalie.
"What does this has to do with anything right now??" She yelled

"That's Justin, my brother.." I said sounding like I was about to cry.
"I know that! You showed me the picture before." She said still confused.

"Don't you think it looks like Justin, Cameron's 'little brother'" I quoted with my hands, while the tears fogged my vision as I was holding them back.

She looked at my phone one more time then she just took me in for a hug.

We heard a knock on the door
"Is everything okay girls?" Cameron's mum said from behind the door.
"Yeah, we will be there in a second" Natalie said back
She then pulled away.
I washed my face again and asked Natalie for some make up
"Obviously I have make up." She said wiping out her mascara and Baluch from her bag.
"Thanks" I said with a little giggle still sniffing my nose.

I quickly put mascara and blush and we got out of the toilet.

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