Chapter 5. I'M SORRY

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{the next morning}
(Alexandra's POV)
Ugggh I still can't find the drawing from yesterday. And now I've just discovered I also forgot my wallet in the cafe. GREAT!
I just washed my face, took a shower and wore my tight black ripped jeans, some white baseball tshirt and my white converse. Then I walked down stairs to the kitchen and made my self some pancakes. After, I grabbed my car keys and got into my car. And drove to the cafe.

(Cameron's POV)
So right now I'm outside the cafe in the parking lot, waiting for Alexandra. I need to thank her for saving my life. I really need to ask her about the picture. Why would she possibly draw me? She's not a fan. She doesn't even know who I am. I finally decided to go inside as I was going to freeze to death. But on my way I finally see her getting out of her car. DAMN! Nice car.
Anyways I ran up to her. She was searching through her bag.
"Hey" I said grabbing her attention
"Hi?"she said with a bit of confusion in her voice.
"You're not here to insult me and swear at me again. Are you?" She said with a sarcastic voice.
"Nah, I'm just here to thank you for saving my life. I kind of owe you for that."
"Kind of?" She said playfully
"Nah, I'm just joking, it's fine. And sorry for how I reacted to your friend. I was just in a bad mood." She continued.
"Oh it's fine really, it was his fault anyways. But you don't really own the place, do you?"

"I actually do, and please can we continue with the questions inside before my ass freezes of?"

"Yeah sure" I said with a laugh as I opened the door for her.

We got inside and she walked to the table she was sitting at yesterday. She put her stuff down and walked to the cashier, while I just sat at the opposite side of the table.
She was asking the waitress for something then the waitress gave her a wallet and she came back.

"So do you wanna drink anything?"
"Yeah, I will take a cup of hot chocolate please." I replied. She went and ordered then came back.

"So how on earth did you own this place?"I started a conversation.
She started talking but I couldn't really hear anything. I was lost in her eyes that change into light green in the sunlight.
"Cameron are u okay?" She asked tilting her head a bit to her left.
"Yeah I'm fine, Wait how did you know my name?"
"Oh I heard your friends calling your name after the accident."
"Makes sense Alexandra" I replied with a smirk.

(Alexandra's POV)
"Wait, how did you know my name?" I asked Cameron.
"Because of this..." Then he pulled out a paper from his pocket. OH NO! This is the drawing I drew of him. I would recognise my signature on the back anywhere. I felt my cheeks growing more hot and red as he flips the paper to show me.

"So you were drawing me yesterday"
I gave him a week smile.
"Why? Am I really that hot?" He said with a smirk while flexing his arms.
"You wish" I said playfully.
"I honestly don't know but thanks for bringing it back anyways" I said awkwardly while taking the paper.
Then he snatched it back "nah..I'm keeping it until you tell me the actual reason"
"Ughhh , fine keep it" I said and walked towards the cashier to get our hot chocolates.

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