Chapter 22. Cameron's plan

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(Alexandra's POV)
Oh my god this so much fun. Literally the whole time we were just joking, eating all sorts of sugary things which made us go nuts. We would dare each other to do weird stuff. I know I got a stitch in my side from laughing about five times. Thanks to Cameron and Natalie I'm covered in flour and milk.

"Might as well put you in the oven." Natalie said making every one laughed except me. I just pulled a straight face got some flour in my hand with out anyone noticing and slapped her in the face with the flower. And thanks to Sierra that was filming it was a slap cam moment. Justin was just watching us and goes with whoever is wining. I tried to not think too much about it. Atleat I can now actually talk to him, because even if he's not my brother, I know he's decently going to be like a brother to me.

He has a similar personality to Cameron. But there's something unique about him.

At 9 o'clock I gave Natalie a signal that we should go now, and she nodded.
"K we should get going"Natalie said
"Yeah it's getting late" I added

After we said bye to everyone, but when it came to Justin I gave him a hug, it might not know anything to him. But to me it was happiness to finally find a family member. All those thoughts brought tears of happiness to my eyes. But thanks god I could push them back.

(Cameron's POV)
I went outside to drop the girls off at their car.

"Oh, I forgot my jacket." Natalie said turning around to face me then She gave me a wink. She then ran back to the house.

Well this is it, here's my chance. I was thinking about it the whole time. I'm gonna go for it.

"Hey Alex!" I said

(Alexandra's POV)
I turned around when he called my name.
"Yeah" I replied back
"Well, I need some advice. I know this girl, and I really like her. I don't know how to ask her out..."
My heart sank and a huge lump just appeared in my throat. I really thought we had something, but I guess I was wrong. I'm so dumb, how could I even imagine that someone like Cameron would like someone like me.
"Alex?" Cameron said waking me up from my thought.
I swallowed the huge lump in my thought and finally said something.

"Oh all you have to do is just say how you actually feel. Just be yourself." I said and gave him a fake smile while my heart was shattering inside.

"Can You pretend that you're the girl? I just want to practise what I am gonna say"
I nodded

He looked me straight in the eye and said. "Okay, I really like you. You took my breath away the first time I saw you. And you still do every time you smile. I just can't stop thinking about you, and I would like to be with you..."

Then he kneeled down while holding my hand and said "....would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

I was about to say yes, when I remembered he wasn't asking me.
"That's really good" I said while he stood back up on his frets
"When are you going to ask her?" I said trying to eliminate any second that my tears could slip away.

(Cameron's POV)
"When are you going to ask her?" She asked with her cheeks getting more red every second and her eyes getting watery.

"I just did" I said while pulling her closer to me. Her head snapped right up and she looked me in the eyes. She gave me a confused look

"Oh didn't I mention that her name is Alexandra?" At that moment she attacked me for a hug. I squeezed her back and picked her off the ground.

She then Pulled away and that's when I put her down. A couple of tears escaped from her eyes. So I rubbed them off her warm red cheeks. I leaned forward and she came closer...and that's when our lips met.

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