Chapter 28. History repeating itself

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{next morning}
(Alexandra's POV)
I got out of the car waking towards the cafe entrance, revising what I'm going to say. I got in and found Justin sitting on table in the back corner. I went up to him and sat opposite to him.
"Hey" he said smiling
"Hi, how are you?" I said and gave him a smile back
"Good! How are you?" He said
"Good thanks"
That's when the waitress came
"Hey, what would you guys like?"
"I'll take a mocha please." I said and looked at Justin
"Same." He said giving the waitress a light smile. She nodded and went away.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" Justin asked.
I waited a few seconds in silence then finally words came out of my mouth.

"Is Cameron your real brother?"
"Oh did he tell you, that I was adopted. Well it's true. I don't remember what happened exactly but I remember that I had a sister and I was looking for her one night cause I was alone. But that was a long time ago, I don't even remember her name" He shot back

"Did you know that you're sister never really stopped looking for you all that time?" I said trying to hold back the tears
"How do you know?" He said giving and a confused look.
I took a deep breath in.
"I know this might sound weird but I'm your sister, Justin."
"What?" He said laughing

I knew this was gonna happen so I pulled out all my evidence. The LA labs results, old photos, everything I could find.

(Justin's POV)
I can't believe it. All the memories are slowly making their ways to my mind. All the photos, the DNA results.
After all these years, I found at least a mEmber of my real family. I never denied a second that Cameron, Sierra and Gina weren't my family. But it feels like heaven reuniting with my original family.

A tear slipped from Alex's eyes. So I stood up and squeezed her in my arms.
"I missed you so much." She whispered in my ear. That's when my tears also slipped away.

(Cameron's POV)
Me and Natalie are going now to the cafe next to her apartment. I was going to surprise Alex and bring her lunch with me. And since Alex took her car to go to that cafe apparently, then I had to pick her up. The whole time Natalie was nagging me to go to the shops first to buy a dress. But I forced her to go get the lunch first from the cafe.
She looked worried, but Natalie worries about everything.

Anyways we arrived at the cafe and i told Natalie to park the car. She was like no you do it and stuff. But eventually She said fine.

I walked in the cafe and walked to the counter line. I looked to my left, and that's when my heart sank and my lungs got shut. My biggest fear just got turned into reality. Justin and Alex were standing hugging each other. Alex saw me and she pulled away from Justin strait away. He looked in my direction and he saw me. I shook my head at them realising that a tear slipped from my eyelashes. I ran as fast as I can out of this place.

(Alexandra's POV)
I ran after him. Trying to catch up with him. I finally did and grabbed his arm and spun him around as hard as I could

"I asked you if you had feelings for him, you said no. Why did you lie?" His face was red and I could hear his heart beat all the way from where I was standing. JOKES! That's mine.

"I don't, he's just.."
"He's just what?" He cut me off
"He's my...." I tried to explain
"I've heard all that crap before, he's just like your brother." He said turning away and running across the street.

"Cameron don't" I said trying to make him stay not for my sake, but trying to pull him back from the car running at full speed.

But he didn't listen to me. I can't let this happen again. I'm not gonna lose him. At that moment everything was happening in slow motion. I could see the car coming about to hit Cameron.
I took a deep breath and ran as fast as I can pushing him off the street.

(Cameron's POV)
My heart was racing while my tears took over my eyes. I couldn't see anything. I just wanted to go home. I ran across the street, didn't care about anything anymore. That's when I felt a powerful push in my back that made me fly across the street and fall on my face. That's when I heard a Big Bang noise. And then a crash sound that indicated something fell. I stood up and looked behind me.

Oh my gosh, oh my
Alex was laying on the ground with a car on front of her. That moment I lost it. I ran to Alex and kneeled next to her and held her face in my hands.
" Alex." I yelled at her closed eyes. But she didn't reply
"Alexandra, answer me." I yelled shaking her while my tears drowned her clothes.
I looked at my right hand and it was full of blood. I took her head and stuffed it into my chest.

That's when a person came up to me. I couldn't see clearly. "Oh my gosh" Natalie's voice screamedf

"CALL 9 1 FUckin 1" i yelled at her, squeezing Alex even more into my chest.

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