Chapter 6: Out of My League

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Gabe and Sam had gotten to become even better friends since they had met each other, and had taken to hanging out almost everyday after school, Sam riding home with Gabriel, Cas and Lucifer. They helped each other out with homework, ate all the food at Gabriel's house and talked about potential pranks that Sam's genius helped with. Gabriel had now had the chance to tell Sam who the Trickster was, and though it took a bit of convincing from Adam and Kevin and some evidence, Sam finally believed him and they began to occasionally work together.

"Hey," Gabriel began to say something to Sam during Creative Writing, their last class of the day, "d'you think your parents'll like me and Cas?"

"First off, it's Cas and I, and yeah, they probably will. I mean, it is kinda weird that we live so close to each other and yet we've still never been over to your house."

"That's mainly because of all the unpacking, and Dean's also a bit of a neat freak, he denies it but he doesn't want any bad word about him getting to Cas."

"Of course he doesn't want to admit it, neither does Cas, though admittedly, Cas doesn't care what anyone thinks about him, he still denies liking Dean. He said 'how could you fall in love with someone in less than a month when you still hardly know what love is?'" Gabriel scoffed, "I love him but he can truly be oblivious sometimes."

"Same with Dean. Y'know, I think I know why our friendship works out so well," Sam said.

"Oh yeah, why is that?" Gabriel asked, putting down his pencil, resting his head in his hand to look at Sam.

"We both have older brothers that we ship together and complain about, and we're smart enough not to get caught for anything. We're a perfect match."


The car ride wasn't awkward. Dean and Cas were in the front, bickering over the radio station, and Gabriel and Sam were in the back, both staring out the window, not talking since they would have enough time for that later.

They finally pulled up to the Winchester house and were greeted at the door before Dean could open it by a woman who looked quite like Dean.

"Hi boys, come on in," she said, as she stepped to the side and opened the door wider, "I'm Mary, their mom. My guess is you're Gabe and Cas," She pointed to each boy, "The boys can show you their rooms, just call down if you need anything," Mary said, smiling.

"Hey, we finally get to meet your friends!" A gruff looking man came from the kitch, wiping his hands that seemed to be covered in grease, "About time. I'm John, their dad. My guess is you're Cas," he pointed to Cas, "and you're Gabe." Cas and Gabe nodded and shook his hand.

"I've heard so much about you two, Cas in particular," John said, making Sam start giggling.

"Dad," Dean whined, and took Cas up to his room, saying that he had snacks in there and no overbearing family members.

"By what I can see, it's like he treats him like he's his boyfriend," John shook his head, smiling.

John kissed Mary while Sam fake puked in his mouth. "So why are you home early?" Mary asked John.

"I was at Bobby's for a beer break when Mike texted him saying he was bringing a friend home and wanted everyone out. The kid's name was Luke- Lukifer? Something like that."

"Called it," Gabriel whispered to Sam, making him giggle.

"Though I bet Lukifer's a new one," Sam whispered back. "We'll be upstairs," Sam announced to his parents after quickly running to the fridge to grab some snacks.


"I knew it! I knew Luce had a thing for Michael. I just can't imagine why he didn't tell me," Gabriel said, flopping down onto Sam's bed.

"Probably 'cause you would tease him about it. I knew Mike had a thing for Lucifer too. I mean, he started going on about him at the beginning of the school year, but it got more and more frequent since last month, when I presume they actually started talking."

"Now we have two ships we need to set up."

"Projects... Michifer and Casdean?"

"I like the sound of Michifer, it makes my brother sound like the bottom he probably is. But how about Destiel instead of Casdean? I mean, Cas probably doesn't bottom, but it has a better ring to it and damn I would like to think a lot less about my brothers' sex lives and more about how great and funny we can make this at the same time," Gabriel said, shivering when he mentioned his brothers.

"Michifer and Destiel, sounds good. And as much as I love Dean, I think Michifer is the one that we can have the most fun with since they're both so stubborn..." Sam continued on and the two boys got to work.


Yay Sabriel ships it too! It took me awhile to figure out who to ship Charlie, Jo, and Meg with, and I definitely ship Adamandriel. What's with me and shipping all Winchester kids with angels? Anyway, hope you liked it, remember to vote and comment!

Angel High {A Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer High School AU}Where stories live. Discover now