Chapter 22: It's Time

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It was now finally graduation and Lucifer had spent about a week beforehand helping Michael write his speech.

The speech was, in Lucifer's words, nearly perfect, but it was missing something. Maybe that was because Lucifer had always believed that the most heartfelt things came from one person and them only. He also hated it when authority figures had other people write their speeches, so there was that, too.

The boys were standing in the gym while outside in the football field was everyone's families and a stage for the seniors to walk on as they get their diploma. Meg, Anna, Lucifer and Michael were talking about their plans for the future.

"Anna and I are already planning to move to Puerto Rico," Meg said, excitement in her eyes.

"That's great!" Lucifer exclaimed, happy for the girl that was his best friend.

"And what are you gonna do there?" Michael asked as Lucifer leaned against him.

"I dunno!" Meg laughed, eyes still shining.

Anna rolled her eyes. "I'm going to college and Meg is either doing the same or getting a job."

"Anything' fine by me as long as I get to be with you," Meg said softly, looking at Anna.

Anna smiled and the two shared a light kiss.

"Awwwww. That's my ship!" Lucifer squealed like a fangirl, causing the two to break apart, Anna only being slightly embarrassed.

"So," Anna began, clearing her throat, "what are you two planning to do?"

"Go to college. I've got a few scholarships, especially since being valedictorian. I don't know where I'm gonna go, though. Stanford sounds pretty nice, so does Harvard," Michael replied, nonchalant.

"Holy shit, you got into both of those!?" Anna asked, eyes wide.

"Yep, as well as a few others." Michael began to crack a small smile as his birth sister hugged him.

"That's amazing!" Anna exclaimed.

"That's exactly what I said," Lucifer commented, leaning his head on Michael's shoulder, still softly pressed up against him.

"So, Luce, what're your plans?" Meg asked, sharing a glance with him only two partners in crime ever could.

"I... have no idea," Lucifer admitted, shrugging his shoulders. "I want to travel, but for that I'd need a job. I might go into journalism or photography or something so I can make a living off of that. But I'll probably take a gap year first or go to the community college, but not for long.

"You don't want to go to college?" Meg asked, "Luce, I know you. You might've skipped school a few times but you were right behind Michael with becoming valedictorian. If you applied to a college, you'd probably get in and get offered a scholarship."

Michael looked confused. "Wait," he turned to Lucifer, "is that true?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Lucifer shrugged.

"You were right behind me with becoming valedictorian?"

"Almost tied, actually," Meg chipped in.

"You beat me by about .3% in some classes. Once I figured out I was a candidate I had Charlie look at your percentage grades," Lucifer said.

"Oh my god." Michael ran his hands through his hair. "This whole time I thought you were like, a straight C student at best!"

Lucifer, to Michael's surprise, laughed. "Most people tend to assume that, for some reason. Maybe the leather jacket gives off a certain 'I don't care nor do I try in school' vibe."

"You just take everything with ease, like you don't have the same anxiety the kids trying to get good grades have," Michael explained.

"I put in effort and think if this doesn't work out, it's not the apocalypse. Anyways, I think we have to go out to our seats now," Lucifer commented as a teacher with a megaphone yelled, "Everybody outside to your seats! Stay in order!"

To the foursome's luck, they were all sat near each other. They, shockingly however, stayed silent through the entire introduction. Finally, it was Michael's turn to go up and give his speech.

"My name is Michael Milton and I am this year's valedictorian. I would like to start by saying a friend of mine helped me plan and write this speech, however as his philosophy is that things are more sincere and heartfelt when you write a speech on your own," he took out the piece of paper the speech was written on and crumpled it up, "I'll do this without any help."

In the audience, the Singer and Winchester families looked on in shock, as Michael, who plans everything, began to wing his speech. Cas and Gabriel, however, were quietly laughing at their boyfriends' dropped jaws, sharing a glance with each other that said, "I figured this would happen. Lucifer influences everybody."

Amongst the graduates, Anna had full confidence in her blood brother, smiling as he started speaking. Lucifer, though, was smiling, thinking, I can't believe I influenced him that much.

"... a lot has happened in the past four years, especially this year. Someone I care about very much got hit by a car, my little brother found love, as did both of my sisters, as did I, as did a lot of people here, probably. However now, now we are going to the very scary place called 'The Real World'," he said, using finger quotations, "and this is pretty much where we decide whether we want to live or simply survive. You can either change the world or barely get by. I'm not gonna give you hope for the future, you need to do that yourself or find someone who cares about you enough to do that. After now, this is where we start to search for more important jobs, go to college, or travel the world and experience different things. Whatever you do is really up to you. Your life is your Rubix Cube, change it until you feel like you've got it right. So do whatever, do everything, but don't be a dick about it. Good luck, class of 2017, it's time to begin."

While some parents were almost scandalized about his word choice, the entire student body stood up and cheered, as did most of the audience. Sam and Dean whooping loudly for their cousin, Meg, Anna and Lucifer cheering even louder for their classmate. The Winchesters and Singers felt incredibly proud, even Bobby yelled, "That's my boy!" as he clapped.

Michael stayed up on the stage as they began to hand out diplomas. "Meg Masters," was finally called, starting that row of friends. Meg went up and gave Michael a quick one armed hug, whispering, "Good luck," in his ear, making Michael confused.

"Anna Milton," was called and when she came up on the stage, Michael gave her a hug. About two people later, Lucifer was called. He went up on the stage, shook hands with the principal and superintendent and turned to Michael with the world's biggest smile on his face and finally, finally, kissed him (again).

Should I post one more chapter just to wrap things up? (Comment below whether or not I should.) Anyways, I thought for Michael and Luce their personal story needed a happy ending. So sorry rewriting this took me so long, and hopefully a new AU will be coming soon.

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