Chapter 16: Now or Never

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It was finally Christmas Day and everyone was excited to see what presents they had gotten. Everyone had gift-swapped with their respective families on Christmas Eve and now the Winchesters were going over to the Novak house to swap gifts with their friends. Since the Winchester boys had become such good friends with the Novak boys, it only made sense that their parents ended up befriending each other as well. Their parents had become such good friends that they had bought each other gifts too.

Since the Novaks only lived a few doors down and it was snowing, the Winchesters walked over so their car wouldn't get stuck in the snow. Dean knocked on the door with one hand, holding Cas's gift in the other. Chuck answered the door mere seconds later. "Oh, hey Winchesters, come on in," he greeted them. They all stomped the snow off their boots and entered the Novak home.

Since the Winchesters hadn't had the time to come over to the Novak house since the beginning of winter break, all of the decorations they had up were new to them. They had Christmas lights strung up all around their living room and there was a 12 ft tall Christmas tree in the middle of their very large living room. Sam spotted the mistletoe Gabriel bought hanging in the kitchen doorway. Michael was already at the Novak house, as he was cuddling with Lucifer on the couch next to the tree. Upon noticing Cas and Gabriel walking down the steps into the living room, Dean left his family and went up to talk to Cas, Sam doing the same with Gabriel.

"Wow, your house is Christmassy," Dean said, trying to strike up a conversation. Castiel' hair was messed up, as usual, but now it looked wet and had melting snowflakes in it, like he had just been outside in the snow. His cheeks were also flushed and his lips were redder from the probable heat change. "I thought you just came from upstairs but you look like you just went outside," Dean observed, casually messing up Castiel's hair even more.

"I was up on the roof, I came down when I saw you guys walking up the driveway," Cas said.

The relatively quiet chatter continued throughout the house. The gifts the boys had bought each other were exchanged and though they were small as no one necessarily had the money to buy their friends a car, they were meaningful. Michael and Lucifer were still cuddling on the couch, not even a millimeter of space between them, Michael was wearing Lucifer's leather jacket and Lucifer was wearing one of Michael's flannels, and their quiet conversation turned not so quiet as Michael yelled, "What do you mean you haven't read the Percy Jackson series?!"

"I never had the time! Also the movies weren't half bad!" Lucifer replied.

"I'm dating an uncultured swine," Michael said to himself, "I'll be right back." He left the house with no explanation.

"Rookie mistake," Dean and Cas told Lucifer in unison, looking at each other in surprise afterward and then bursting out in laughter.

Thankfully, Lucifer didn't have to wait long for the love of his life to return, after about five minutes Michael arrived back at the Novak house, carrying a backpack that held within it both the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus series.

Dean let out a low whistle. "Damn, looks like things are getting pretty serious! Mike never lets anyone borrow his books," he commented.

"Oh shut up. And don't call me Mike," Michael replied to Dean, resuming his place cuddled up with Lucifer on the sectional.

"Wait... you let me call you Mike though..." Lucifer trailed off, shooting Michael a questioning glance.

"You're different," Michael mumbled, a blush slowly creeping onto his face as he buried his head into Lucifer's chest.

"Awww, Mikey," Lucifer cooed, pulling Michael up for a passionate kiss.

Angel High {A Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer High School AU}Where stories live. Discover now