Chapter 17: Brand New

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After Dean and Cas had (finally) gotten together with the help of Sam and Gabriel, the two younger boys were quite pleased with themselves, as it was, after all, one of their plans that had gotten the two together. However, now they both had to deal with their older brothers being disgustingly lovesick, but now at least they were requited and disgustingly lovesick, so that's what truly matters.

Lucifer had gotten around to giving Dean the Protective Big Brother™ speech, which Sam and Gabriel recorded, as Dean looked like he was about to pee his pants the entire time.

Gabriel was happy for many different reasons though. The main reason not being that he no longer had to hear Cas or Lucifer whining about their respective love lives or that he had a recording of Dean looking like he was about to pee his pants, but because Sam's attention was almost entirely on him now. It was selfish, Gabriel thought, but Sam and him were best friends and constantly having the attention of one of your favorite people was amazing, and Gabriel's confusing feelings about Sam made the attention even better.

When Gabriel first met Sam he didn't expect him to be so likable. Yes, when Gabriel first met the guy he had a bit of a crush, he was cute after all, but then as Gabriel got to know him, he was more than just cute. Sam was an intellectual badass. He got straight A's and knew how to kick a guy's ass. Hell, he could probably break every bon run your body while naming them, and he wasn't even going to be a doctor. So of course Gabriel began to fall for Sam, it only made sense. And if maybe, Gabriel could have his first kiss tonight, as it was New Years Eve, with Sam as the ball dropped, then that would be just fine too.


I'm dating Castiel Novak, was the first thought in Dean's head as he watched Cas enter his room. How in hell did I get so lucky?

"Hey," Cas greeted, sitting on Dean's bed.

"Hey yourself," Dean replied, smiling all love-struck. He leaned in and pecked Cas on the lips, smiling even more as he pulled away.

"You're a total sap, you know that?" Cas asked, pecking Dean on the cheek afterwards.

"I know, and you love it."

Cas smiled and looked down a little. "On a different note, I think Gabe's thinking of kissing Sam tonight," he said, looking back up.

"Thank the gods, Sam may or may not have 'accidentally' confided in me his dilemma about asking Gabe if he could kiss him at midnight," Dean replied, taking Cas's hand in his as he laid down.

"Dilemma?" Cas scoffed, "As if. We both know that they both want to do it, they're just scared, they let fear rule their lives, everyone does. Some people just aren't open to taking chances and well, sucks for them."

"You're right. Both of them really need to take the chance, and get better at communication while they're at it. Gabe, he's... he's good for Sam. He's the chaotic neutral and has transformed Sam's lawful good."

"Good to know you approve of my brother then," Cas said, laying down on the bed. The two just stayed there in companionable silence for a few moments before Dean decided to make something a bit known.

Dean took a deep breath. "Hey Cas?"

"Hmm?" Cas turned towards Dean.

"So, y'know how when you asked me out it was kinda just 'So, wanna go on a date later?' And then it was 'wanna be my boyfriend?'?" Dean asked.

Angel High {A Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer High School AU}Where stories live. Discover now