Chapter 9: Sleeping With a Friend

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Given Cas hadn't texted back nor had the 'Read' symbol popped up below the text Dean had sent, Dean decided to walk to Cas's house to show his family the picture, and maybe wake Cas up and act like Luce and Michifer in the process.

Dean knocked on the door which was opened seconds later by Becky, "Oh, hi Dean, come in. Any chance you passed Lucifer on your way here? I need to know if he's eating breakfast here or at Michael's since he's not answering his phone."

"Well, my guess is he's eating at Michael's since he obviously feels pretty comfortable there," Dean replied, taking his phone out to show Becky the picture he took.

She let out a tiny squeal and clapped her hands, "How long do you think it's gonna be until they get together?"

"Well, I know Michael and he tends to be stubborn about this type of thing, and he's still a bit wary of Lucifer, but he'll probably come around in, at most, six months."

She waved a hand, "Ah, it's not that long a wait. By the way, Cas is upstairs in his room, I'm not sure if he's still sleeping or not, you can never tell when he's going to get up, whether it be five in the morning or five in the afternoon."

"Ok, thanks Mrs. Novak."

Dean started up the stairs, Cas lived in the attic, which was the fourth floor. Gabriel, Chuck and Becky shared third floor which also had the guest room and bathroom; the second floor was the main floor for the kitchen, living room, and dining room, and Lucifer lived in the basement.

Dean sometimes questioned why Cas would choose the attic to live in, considering all of the steps. It was about 3 flights of stairs to get from the main floor to the attic, as there was a small little door that led to a small flight of stairs that finally got you to the attic. It killed Dean because so many stairs, Cas, why.

Dean knocked softly, knowing that Cas left the door open. When he put his ear to the door and didn't hear anything, he opened it and walked up the nine stairs to his room.

Cas had posters of Sherlock, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and Doctor Who tacked up all over his room. There were also a few pictures of bees, which Dean still don't know where he got that obsession from. In the corner of the room under a small skylight was his bed, and across the room from that, was his bookshelf that contained a shit ton of books.

Dean moved over towards Cas's bed, where he was still sleeping soundly. His hair messed up even more than normal, his lips parted softly, and his eyelashes fanned out over his cheeks; they skylight above casting a bit of a shadow making his jaw line more prominent. He shifted in his sleep, turned over to his back, and opened his eyes.

"Dean?" He whispered, voice hoarse from sleep.

"You have really pretty eyes, I ever tell you that?" Dean was caught by Cas's beauty.

"Yeah, I've only heard it from you a couple hundred times in the last month and a half," he softly chuckled.

"Oh that reminds me, it's October 21st, what are you gonna do for Halloween?"

"Mourn over the deaths of James and Lily Potter," he deadpanned, "Also quick question, what time is it?"

"You have a clock right next to your bed, Cas."

"Oh, right." The clock read 11:30 a.m. "Ugh, it isn't even noon yet."

"Yesterday was Saturday and you were literally up at four."

"Correction, I stayed up until four, then I went to sleep."

"How do you even- nope nevermind, I'm not even gonna ask."

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