Chapter 13: Talk Me Down

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It was Wednesday, the day after Halloween, and luckily for them, everyone who went to Angel High didn't have school because their school board wasn't as stupid to have school when everyone was too tired to even get up. It was a quiet, early morning at the Novak house when Lucifer heard a beautiful voice say:

"Quit hogging all the blankets, asshole."

Lucifer turned around to gaze sleepily at his newfound boyfriend, "It wouldn't be much of a problem if just snuggled with me instead of tried to get as far away from me as possible while still being on the bed."

Michael tiredly raised an eyebrow. "Did Lucifer Novak really just say 'snuggle'?"

"Yes he did, but he knows that if you attempt to tell anyone other than his brothers, that they will not believe you, so it's ok," Lucifer replied, rolling over and trapping Michael in his embrace under the blankets.

The two high schoolers cuddled for another hour or so when Lucifer heard footsteps running down the stairs and into the basement.

Throwing open Lucifer's door, Gabriel yelled, "You two are having sex!" With his phone in his hands, like he was ready to see some action.

Michael ducked and blushed but Lucifer wasn't having any of it. Lucifer grabbed the other boy's face, and pulled him in to let their lips meet in a filthy kiss that the other eagerly responded to.

They broke away minutes later, but Gabriel was still standing there.

"You're right, we are. So you might wanna leave," Lucifer said, breathing heavily.

Gabriel sprinted out of the room and up the stairs screaming, "Next time, put a sock on the door!"

Lucifer turned to Michael, laughing and smiling.

"We are? Having sex, that is," Michael asked, blushing even more.

"Probably not, that'd be moving too fast. Unless you want to, of course," Lucifer winked, making Michael lightly shove his shoulder.

Suddenly, all traces of humor in Michael were gone and his pupils dilated. He leaned in close to Lucifer, placing a kiss to his neck and then moving up so his lips were brushing the blond's with every word he spoke, "Maybe some other time, though definitely in the near future." He pulled away, leaning back against the pillows, smiling.

Lucifer groaned as Michael pulled away, looking like a wounded puppy. "You fucking tease," he pouted, settling against his boyfriend's chest.

"So," Michael began, pulling Lucifer close, "what are we gonna do today?"

"Stay like this for at least another hour. And maybe go get some ice cream or something," Lucifer replied.

"Sounds like a plan." Michael nuzzled his head into the crook of Lucifer's neck, breathing deeply. He remembered what Ellen had once told him, Jo and Adam about dating someone, "If they make your heart beat faster, smell good and give great hugs, keep 'em forever." He couldn't help but apply all of it to Lucifer. Lucifer, not to be creepy, smelled really good, gave fantastic hugs, and made Michael's heart go into overdrive every time they were together.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Lucifer whispered into the quietness of the room.

"You," Michael replied, kissing Lucifer's cheek.

Dean was woken up by the sound of Sam and Gabriel running down the steps and giggling. He was about to get up and go after them, when he discovered there was an arm around his waist holding him back. He turned over and saw Cas sleeping soundly. Of fucking course I'm the little spoon, Dean thought. Cas unconsciously pulled Dean closer and buried his head into the taller boy's neck. Not that I mind, of course.

Dean relaxed in the warmth for a few more seconds. Why can't I have even the slightest of chances? Dean thought. I mean, him being into guys is a start but I pretty much have as much of a chance as any other person.

Dean sighed and reluctantly started to try and untangle himself from both Cas's arms and the blankets he was wrapped up in. He was almost out of the bed when arms wrapped around him, dragging him back in.

"Cas?" Dean whispered, turning around to face the other boy.

"Cas isn't awake," he mumbled, "don't bother leaving a message, the mailbox is full."

Dean sighed, "Cas, I gotta pee."

"Ugh, fine." Cas dramatically released Dean, yawning. Dean silently hoped that he could come right back to that when he was out of the bathroom.

Dean quietly walked out of his room and to the bathroom when he was stopped. "Have fun with your boyfriend?" Sam and Gabriel asked in unison with identical smirks.

Dean turned to face the two boys, "Did you two plan that?"

"Yup," Gabriel said, smiling.

"Y'know, I would say you two sometimes act like twin brothers but, we all know that's not true," Dean winked.

Gabriel blushed slightly and waved a hand, "We're here to talk about your relationship with my brother, aka..." he nodded to Sam.

"When are you going to ask him out?!" Sam finished.

"Talk later, I need to pee." Dean walked past them to the bathroom and shut the door.

(When he was done he ran back to his room where Cas was still sleeping. So Dean climbed back into Cas's arms and went back to sleep for another couple of hours.)


Sam and Gabriel had walked back to Sam's house early that morning to start Plan Destiel, as Michifer had somehow gotten together without their help. But Sam had a feeling they had somebody's help.

"Step one: confront Dean about his obvious feelings. Check. Even though that didn't go as planned, it still gave us everything we need to know," Gabriel smirked. "Now onto step two. Step two is going to take place whenever we could get Cas alone, whether it's at school or at our house, and we confront him two on one. So, how long do you think it's gonna be until we get Cas to admit his feelings?"

"Maybe about two weeks," Sam replied.

"Five bucks it's gonna be at least three," Gabriel countered with a smirk on his face.

Sam held out a hand, "You're on."

When Gabriel sent him a filthy grin, Sam was taken aback from all the butterflies swarming in his stomach, but he simply sent Gabriel a smirk equally as filthy and gripped his hand harder.

Michifer! Destiel! Sabriel! Yay! I updated! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment! (This chapter was originally called Satan Gave Me A Taco because that is in fact a song however the song sucked (in my opinion) and didn't fit the mood I was going for so I went with talk me down instead because I, like Luce, am Troye Sivan trash.

Angel High {A Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer High School AU}Where stories live. Discover now