Chapter 12: Spooky Scary Skeletons

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Gabriel arrived at Sam's house around 7:15. They were going to meet Adam, Samandriel and Kevin in the rich neighborhood where they always went trick or treating, since that neighborhood happened to have the best effects and the most candy.

Sam opened the door wearing a plaid shirt, black jeans and black eye contacts. He looked like a demon, though Gabriel supposed that was what he was going for.

Gabriel, true to what he had said before, was going as an archangel. The wings were large and gold, not to mention there were six of them. Gabriel was pretty damn proud. He was also wearing a tan toga-like piece of clothing and some brown sandals, which was a slightly bad idea, as it was generally quite chilly in October, especially in New York.

"So, I mention the word demon-hunter, but all you hear is demon?" Gabriel opened with, going back to his former costume suggestion.

"Eh," Sam waved his hand, "This was just easier."

"So easy means that you just happen to have black eye contacts laying around your house?"


"Ok then, shall we?" Gabriel offered his arm to Sam.

Sam laughed, "We shall."

Sam and Gabriel met up with Adam, Samandriel and Kevin at the beginning of their route. There were so many houses (and so much candy) that by the time they were halfway through the neighborhood, the boy's pillowcases were full. Gabriel, having thought ahead, brought two extras, as he assumed that Sam wouldn't know how much candy there would be. Adam had also forgot to bring an extra, but he beamed brilliantly when Samandriel passed him another pillowcase after taking his first extra for himself.

"Oh come on, I thought I'd be at least marginally a third wheel cause who the hell isn't one with fucking Adamandriel in their faces, but with you two to back me up, but goddamn you guys, now I'm a fifth wheel?" Kevin said, making the four other boys blush and Kevin walk off shaking his head.


A few minutes after Sam left to go trick or treating, Cas came over to Dean's house for their horror movie marathon. The two were in the Winchester's living room with popcorn, burgers, and a ton of candy that Cas had brought.

They were about to start Poltergeist, as they had chosen for the first movie of the night, when Mary Winchester came in and said, "You boys need anything? Some snacks? A con-"

"Mom, no. Just please, no," Dean interrupted her.

"Oh fine, just don't do anything I wouldn't do." She gave an exaggerated wink at Dean.

"What wouldn't you do?" Dean yelled as she exited.

Cas, not being able to hold in his laughter anymore, started giggling. "So, I take it that in your parent's relationship, your mom is the bad influence?"

"Yeah. Dad teases us and stuff, but he's still pretty strict about rules. Mom lets us do pretty much anything, as long as it's not too illegal."

Cas nodded, popping a Kit Kat into his mouth. "I like your mom. She's cool."

The main menu popped up on the DVD player, and Dean hit play.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, do you get scared easily?" Dean asked Cas.

"Not usually. Well, never is more like it, I guess. You?" Cas asked.

"I get scared sometimes, not that much though," Dean replied, and the two started watching the movie. (I have never watched Poltergeist before so you're not gonna hear anything about the movie.)

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