Chapter 11: Raise Hell

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It was 7:00 and Lucifer had just finished getting dressed for Meg's Halloween party when the doorbell rang and Gabriel yelled, "Luci! Your boyfriends here!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Lucifer yelled up the stairs. Lucifer combed his hair, trying to ignore the fact that the more and more he thought about it, the party seemed like a date. Lucifer had showered and wore something different than what he had worn to school that day, and he refused to let the realization that he was trying to look good for someone hit him.

Lucifer tugged on his leather jacket and quickly ran up the stairs to open the door. Michael in the same clothes he wore to school earlier that day, aside from the shirt, instead of a military jacket or flannel, he was wearing a tight-in-all-the-right-places black shirt. Yet again it took Lucifer a moment to look away from Michael's abs.

"So, we going?" The black haired boy asked, snapping Lucifer out of his stupor.

"Yeah." They had ultimately decided to take Lucifer's car, given there was an issue with the fuel filter on Michael's and it took a few tries to start.

The ride was pleasant between the two, aside from Lucifer swerving the car because Michael had wanted to fix Lucifer's collar and Lucifer had not been ready to feel Michael's hands brush his neck.

It was already a bit past dusk, so Meg already had a classic horror movie playing on the side of her house. Lucifer parked about a yard into her lawn, seeing as there were already cars littered around her huge driveway.

"Did you seriously just park in her lawn?" Michael asked as he stepped out of the car.

"I always park there, cars in the driveway or not. And it's not that far into her lawn."

Michael rolled his eyes, and they started walking to Meg's front door. She had the machines where a monster comes out when you step on the thing hidden all over her yard. Just because Lucifer wanted to see what would happen, he stepped on one of the not-so-hidden ones. However that wasn't such a good idea when a blood covered spider popped out at him, making him scream and clutch Michael.

It would have been a funny sight to any outsider, seeing a tough looking boy in a leather jacket screech and then cling onto the nicer looking boy beside him who wasn't scared.

"Sorry," Lucifer said, removing his head from Michael's shoulder and his hand from where it was touching his abs.

Don't be, Michael had wanted to say, or, that was adorable, kiss me? However he did not say either of those things and instead hoped he wasn't blushing and said, "It's no big deal." And the two walked into Meg's house.

Since Meg only ever threw a party for Halloween, each year she really went all out. There was fake blood and ectoplasm covering the walls, and Lucifer's guess was that a very artistic friend of hers, specifically Anna, came over to paint the wall art that made it look like someone was watching you.

The two walked past the kitchen when Meg came up behind Lucifer holding a huge (live) black spider in her hands, making Lucifer let out a shriek for the second time that night and cling to Michael yet again.

"Every. Year," Meg choked out as she laughed, "Every damn year, I do this, and you always scream. It never gets old. Oh, hi Michael," she said to him, and he awkwardly waved back. She moved past the two, and threw the spider out the door, still laughing.

Lucifer finally let go of Michael, and they moved further into the house. Lucifer grabbed two beers from a table Meg had set up. "Want one?" He asked Michael, holding up a beer.

Angel High {A Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer High School AU}Where stories live. Discover now