Chapter 7: Everybody Talks

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Cas followed Dean up to his room, slightly confused at why Dean got embarrassed when his dad mentioned that he talked about Cas. Most friends do talk about their friends so what's the big deal? Cas thought.

"So, you talk about me?" Cas asked, a bit jokingly.

"Oh shut up," Dean replied, throwing one of the pillows on his bed at Cas.

"Hey, we had to go through that with my dad, it's only your turn."

"Oh, yeah, anyway there's a Star Trek marathon on, wanna watch it?"

"Sure, but I still have to write for English, since my chapter book that's due next week only has about one chapter," Cas said, taking his iPad out of his book bag so he could start writing.

"What are you writing about?" Dean asked as he turned on Star Trek.

"Well, as a friend of mine so gracefully put it, I'm writing a Percy Jackson knockoff. At this point since the teacher doesn't read our writing, I'm about to just turn in some Spock/Kirk fanfic that I've already written and call it a day."

"You ship them too?" Dean asked, looking at Cas incredulously.

"Only homophobes don't."


Michael was alone with his thoughts on his drive home, since Lucifer was following behind him in his camaro, and all he could think about was what Lucifer had said to Jeremy. Now, Michael wasn't necessarily into Jeremy, the boy reminded him far too much of Peter Pettigrew for any of that to ever happen, but he was at least nice to him. But now he doubted that he would be nice to him again. Not because of what Lucifer said, no, but because he heard their conversation.

When Lucifer had asked to talk to Jeremy Michael had done the same thing Lucifer did minutes earlier, disappear behind the corner and then eavesdrop to your heart's content. Now disregarding the fact that Michael's heart beat a bit faster at Lucifer being so protective over him and wanting what's best for him, he was a tiny bit pissed at the Pettigrew lookalike that had been copying off of him for about two years now.

He wanted to thank Lucifer, though, but how could he do that without admitting both to hearing everything and feeling a bit warmer inside at what Lucifer said?

Michael then heard a knock at his car window, rolling it down he saw Lucifer.

"Dude, you turned into your driveway and have just been sitting here for like three minutes now, you ok?" Lucifer's light blue eyes gleamed down at Michael concernedly.

"What?" Looking around Michael saw that he was, in fact, sitting in his usual spot where he parks his car in his driveway, "Oh."

"Earth to Michael, are you ok?" He asked, looking a bit concerned. To Michael, Lucifer was like a geode, he looked rough and a bit rude on the outside, but once you escaped his "Hate List" (or "hit list," as Michael called it) you learned that he was just like a puppy that wanted attention. Attention that Michael would gladly give him, as much as he didn't want to admit it.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go."


Given it was a Friday, Gabriel and Cas stayed over at the Winchester's until it was about 10:00, when they had to leave so their parents wouldn't assument hey we're kidnapped.

Angel High {A Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer High School AU}Where stories live. Discover now