Loosing Dad (2)

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I couldn't do anything for almost two months life didn't really make sense anymore, i just wake up every morning go to school and sit then do my work, come back home, probably eat and then go to bed. I never spoke to my mum, not that I blamed her I just thought it wasn't really necessary, i only did when necessary and I answered with either a nod or"okay".
Then a few weeks on I discovered i started seeing my dad,like he was there talking to me and then my mum noticed that I would just start laughing in a empty room alone, talking to myself....but she didn't know I really did see him.....she decided to take me to see a therapist... But still no changes. My mum would ask"Ava dear are you alright?i would reply her with a simple nod, she would also ask"Ava,sweety is something wrong?"I would still reply her by shaking my head. Months passed,years passed and then he stopped coming..i stopped seeing him and life became very dark again...

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