Meeting The Colemans(1).

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   That evening i was so lost in my thoughts that I had forgotten to tell mum that Eric will be taking me to meet his family. When he came over to pick me, my mum rushed up and said "Ava you have a date with Eric, and you're not ready?" She said "Oh! I must have forgotten while thinking about what Sheila said, actually he's taking me to meet his family." I said as u rushed to get ready "Okay hon. don't think about it too much, just do the right thing" mum patted me and left.
   Although I was ten minutes late, i finally got dressed and I came downstairs to meet Eric, i was about to apologize when he said "You look gorgeous, it's worth the wait." I smiled and we left. In the car I just kept thinking about what Sheila said and i didn't even hear a word Eric said and then he held my hand and said "Are you nervous? Don't worry they're  very nice." I nodded and smiled but that was the least of my problems.

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