The Big Day(1).

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Mother is getting married today she looks very happy am sure she's happy, As the maid of honour it matters how I look at least if it were up to me I would sit at home all day behind closed doors but nah! that's not possible. I look like a doll at least. On getting to the church i finally met "my new father"I guess, step-father I mean,and step-brothers Jake and Josh Wildes they were looking at me like they could swallow me. Then finally at the reception Jake and Josh decided to say Hi, I replied them with a smile and then I left the table. Then I noticed my mum was looking for me to introduce me to her husband, then I finally met him, he seemed nice until he made one big mistake by saying "I promise to be the best father you can ever have"but then I replied him frowning"You can't and don't try"and I left both of them....

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